Fully Healed, Fully Cured
Real healing and maximally increasing your level of health
To be fully healed and fully cured, the root causes of health-related symptoms and conditions need to be located and addressed. There cannot be full cures or full healing, if the following health-related factors are not addressed (each of which may be partial, or primary causes of health related symptoms and concerns):
- Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Factors in Health
- Nutrition
- Lifestyle
- Unhealthy Information and the Media's Spirit Capture Programming
- Health Optimization as Primary Healthcare vs. Made Up Molecule Primary Healthcare
- Natural Healthcare Information, Research, and Practitioners
- Health-out Healthcare Concerns
- Cancer
- High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Other Healthcare Concerns
- How to Implement the Top Research, Information, and Healing Therapies from the Fields of Nutrition-based Medicine and Natural Healthcare
1. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Factors in Health
Emotional, mental, and spiritual factors positively or negatively affect our daily life decisions and lifestyle choices, health optimization therapy choices, and the level of health promoting thoughts and energy affecting our cells and the healing processes in our bodies. Two powerful examples of being fully healed and fully cured: Kayla Harrison (two time Olympic Gold Medalist in Judo), and R.A. Dickey, Cy Young Award Winner (awarded to top pitchers in baseball).
All matter (material things), math, love, life, gravity, time (immaterial things), outer space and the planets orbiting the sun (space for matter), beautiful sunrises, and everything else surely were not created by absolutely nothing. See: 2024 Bible verses, Bible verses by topic, the meaning of Iaomai, the word used in the Bible to describe healing, and the meaning of Yahshua, Jesus' name in the original language of the Bible. Our spirits confirm the truth of the Bible's teachings (as described in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 2, Romans 8:16, Acts 2:38). Some Biblical teaching examples: the Book of Proverbs, the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden Rule, the Greatest Commandment, verses on forgiveness and other topics. Faith is ultimately faith, though. And, faith can help bring peace, forgiveness (of self and others), and rest, each of which can help enable being fully healed and fully cured.
Quantum physics teaches that all physical matter has energy associated with it. Emotional, mental and spiritual factors clearly affect the energy and health of our bodies in many ways. To ignore the above topics, and purely focus on suppressing physical symptoms (most often with man-made chemicals that are foreign substances to the human body, aka drugs) is surely not a comprehensive healthcare model, and it is surely not what being fully healed and fully cured is all about.
2. Nutrition
Nutritional factors: processed foods (which commonly comprise over 50% of the Standard American Diet), sugar consumption (which commonly comprises over 20% of the Standard American Diet), alcohol consumption, and consumption of non-organic food do not promote optimal health and healing. See 2024 nutrient-dense food recipe list.
Organic food: information and list of foods highest and lowest in pesticides.
A wake up call: American food banned is currently banned in over 30 countries -- 1/6th to 1/7th of the countries in the world!
3. Lifestyle
Lifestyle factors: nutrition, sunlight, sleep, exercise, healthy relationships, stopping smoking, effectively and healthfully processing stress -- each of these factors, and other foundational health factors, are also involved in being fully healed and fully cured.
4. Unhealthy Information and the Media's Spirit Capture Programming
Spending a large amount of time on social media, texting, news, TV, and random Internet use doesn't allow for the quiet time needed to address emotional, mental and spiritual health factors. Additionally, it takes time to implement nutrition changes, lifestyle changes, conduct research and reading related to becoming fully healed and fully cured, and implement new, innovative healthcare solutions and lifestyle changes. The distractions primarily provide unending noise and the drowning out of thoughts of emotional, mental and spiritual factors to be addressed for true healing and true cures to occur, while using up the time needed to pursue a much higher level of health.
Video: Vivek Ramaswamy explains how Facebook, other social media companies, the news media, TV, and related businesses have been intentionally designed to capture our attention, our thoughts, and our spirits to be used for their control and their financial gain. In the video, he shares an effective solution for disconnecting ourselves from these attention and spirit capturing businesses.
5. Health Optimization as Primary Healthcare vs. Made Up Molecule Primary Healthcare
The prioritized, primary care use (vs. last resort use) of man-made, patentable, profit-focused molecules, which do not occur in nature, and are foreign substances to the human body (aka most drugs, see drug-induced nutrient depletion, and the scale of additional adverse health effects caused by drugs), does not address the numerous actual causes of less than optimal health. Rather, most drugs deplete 2-15 of the 29 vitamins and minerals classified as being essential for human health (and likely a very significant percentage of the currently known 50,000+ health promoting nutritional components of foods that have been discovered). Each of the currently classified as being essential nutrients for human health have hundreds to thousands of currently known, essential functions in human health. It is not even a required part of the new drug approval process to test for drug-induced depletion of the 41 nutrients currently classified as being essential for human health (14 vitamins, 15 minerals, 9 amino acids, 2 essential fats, and water) -- not to mention the 50,000+ currently known other health promoting nutritional components of foods. Many drugs are also quite toxic, additionally adversely affecting (already depleted, non-optimal) nutritional status, since nutrients are used by the body to detoxify toxic substances.
6. Natural Healthcare Information, Research, and Practitioners
Implementation of the top research from the fields of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare can help improve, and in many cases, help cure most healthcare concerns.
Those who say there is not research to support such a healing path are simply wrong. See books citing thousands of studies in support of this assertion (up to 16,800 research studies cited per book, and approximately 100,000 research studies are currently available in support of the fields of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare as primary healthcare interventions).
The assumption that the doctor down the street (who, in most cases, is primarily trained in, and focused on the use of, patentable, profit-focused, man-made substances, aka drugs, as health optimization interventions) is the only source of innovative, safe, effective healthcare information is also simply wrong, and false. See Healthcare: A few questions, and list of healthcare practitioners with training and expertise nutrition-based medicine, natural healthcare, and integrative medicine -- health optimization healthcare.
7. Health-out Healthcare Concerns
It is up to each of us (and/or our family members who are healthy enough to do so) to locate health optimization methods that can actually improve our level of health (to "health-out" healthcare symptoms and concerns, and optimize our level of health, rather than simply or solely attempting to artificially suppress these symptoms, with man-made, patentable, profit-focused substances, aka drugs, which, in most cases, do not actually improve our level of health. Effective health optimization interventions, in many cases, are fairly quickly and fairly easily noticeable (a full night’s sleep, excellent nutrition, and stress reduction methods are simple but effective examples; lowering blood sugar and/or blood pressure with nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare are more advanced examples that can also be fairly easily and fairly quickly observed, in most cases).
8. Cancer
See the above content and the content below...
8.1 Chemosensitivity Testing
Video: Dr. James Forsythe discussing chemosensitivity testing, and his success using it, along with many other innovative natural and integrative medicine cancer treatment methods, to achieve a 68% success rate for treating all kinds of cancers, including end-stage cancers, for 2,000+ documented cases.
See chemosensitivity testing lab link (chemosensitivity testing is the testing of natural and pharmaceutical substances against samples of an individual’s cancer cells to evaluate the effectiveness or lack thereof, before making the decision to utilize the natural substances or pharmaceutical substances in treatment). See also the following healing cancer with integrative medicine DVD preview, and the following full transcription of a 1.5 hr DVD on highly innovative, highly effective integrated cancer treatments and care.
8.2 Innovative Cancer Treatment Clinics and Information
Doctors and clinics documenting excellent results healing cancer (and/or helping provide integrative cancer care and treatments): drforsythe.com, burzynskiclinic.com, tahomaclinic.com, riordanclinic.org, hippocrateswellness.org, gettinghealthier.com, cancercontrolsociety.org. Each of these clinics, doctors, authors and resources will provide some free information by phone about their therapies, their research, and the success rates of their treatments. Highly detailed, remote phone consultations are also available, in most cases, for $200 to $500 per phone consultation (after taking the necessary time to effectively review a patient's history and case details).
See also books [add link] on nutrition-based medicine, natural healthcare, and integrative medicine for healing cancer and/or supporting common cancer treatment therapies with nutrition-based medicine, natural healthcare, and integrative medicine.
9. High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and Other Healthcare Concerns
Diabetes (type 2, and to a lesser degree, type 1) and high blood pressure are not conditions that (in most cases) warrant a drug-first, or a solely drug-focused approach (there are less harmful, nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare healing therapies with extensive research study documented, as well as extensive real-world proven, results). The protocols for restoring health for these healthcare concerns include books which cite up to 16,800 supporting research studies referenced per book, and books written by practicing physicians with up to 50 years of individual experience as a physician -- testing, utilizing and proving (via normalization of common and innovative lab test results, and truly curing patients of healthcare concerns) the effectiveness of the use of lifestyle changes, nutrition-based medicine, and natural healthcare healing therapies (also known as health medicine, naturopathic medicine, functional medicine -- a continuing education program for training healthcare practitioners in the top science from the fields of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare, orthomolecular medicine, biological dentistry, behavioral optometry/vision improvement therapy, and integrative cancer treatment care, as well as other natural healthcare focused healing fields) as primary healthcare interventions (vs. drug-first, and essentially drug only, primary healthcare interventions; see also nutrient safety vs drug safety, and top nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare health condition reference books and healing protocols).
10. How to Implement the Top Research, Information, and Healing Therapies from the Fields of Nutrition-based Medicine and Natural Healthcare
How to locate and implement the top research and top healing protocols from the fields of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare: information for individual consumers with healthcare concerns, and information for healthcare practitioners to get up to speed on the use of this information and related testing and healing methods. See also: Healthcare: A few questions.