Video: Music playlist (150+ songs)
2022-2025: Current health information, news, research, and web pages
2020-2025: Natural healthcare for health optimization and immune system support
Natural Healthcare for Health Optimization and Immune System Support
- Natural Healthcare and Health Optimization Defined
- 100,000+ studies in support of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare as primary healthcare interventions for healthcare concerns, including immune system support
- The anti-infective nutrient
- Have you heard the news about zinc?
- Vitamin C has been proven to be effective against every virus it has ever been tested against
- Detailed information and supporting research on the many proven health effects of vitamin C
- Hundreds of years of use of vitamin C for health promotion, prevention, and treating healthcare concerns
- Implementing the above research on Vitamin C immediately -- now, in 2025, not hundreds of years from now!
- What Kind of Vitamin C Should I Take, and Why?
- Vitamin D (and natural healthcare) for health optimization and immune system support
- Magnesium -- proven effective against Polio (like vitamin C), effective for immune system support, and provides many health promoting effects
- Immune system support articles of interest
- NIH, 2012: "In healthy individuals ... pathogens cause no disease."
- "All essential nutrients are essential for immune system function."
- Effectively evaluating the use of Vitamin C, other nutrients, and other naturally occurring substances for immune system support and other healthcare concerns
- Organic food (food in its natural, God-created state) or food + pesticides for health?
- Taste!
- Soil Health
- Deficiencies in our Diets: The Percentage of the U.S. Population Not Meeting the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
- Causes of Nutrient Deficiencies, which are ultimately major causes or contributing factors to poor health, illness and disease
- Nutrient Content of Organic Foods for Vitamins, Minerals and Over 50,000 Other Health Promoting Nutrients
- Pesticides as a Condiment?
- Pesticides and Other Toxins on Non-Organic Food
- Genetically modified foods, ionizing radiation, and sewage sludge
- Toxic minerals: lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum, nickel
- Adverse Health Effects of Pesticides and Other Toxins
- The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen
- The Essential Roles of Nutrients in Health and Healing
- Biblical Basis for Consuming Organic Foods
- Organic Food Distributors, Suppliers and Farms (Mid-Atlantic and U.S.)
- Raw foods vs. cooked foods
- Saying goodbye to processed foods, and hello to improved health and improved immune system function
- Natural Healthcare and Biblical Healing Philosophy
- 100,000+ studies in support of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare
- Welcome to the Field of Orthomolecular Medicine
- No deaths - none - zero (or, extremely close to zero) from vitamins and minerals
- Outstanding video #1: The proven roles of nutrients in healthcare
- Outstanding video #2: 85 years of history and the proven roles of nutrients in healthcare
- We live on a green planet. Eat something green every day!
- Sunlight, exercise, oxygen and fresh nature air
- Current articles from world-class experts in the field of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare on immune system function and health optimization (improving overall health as a method of health promotion and fighting disease)
- Natural healthcare healing systems, practice groups, and physician directories
- Coronavirus/Covid-19 vs. Faith and the Bible
1. Natural Healthcare and Health Optimization Defined
The use of naturally occurring, bio-compatible, bio-active substances, activities, therapies, energies, nutrition, prayer, and related safe, effective methods for promoting optimal health and healing.
2. 100,000+ studies in support of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare as primary healthcare interventions for healthcare concerns, including immune system support
The following books highlight up to 16,800 research studies per book in support of the use of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare as primary interventions for healthcare concerns, or as additions to other healthcare interventions:
3. The anti-infective nutrient
There are currently 41 nutrients classified as essential nutrients by the U.S. government (the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine, of the National Academies): 14, vitamins, 15 minerals, 9 amino acids, 2 fatty acids, and water. Do you know which one was originally called the anti-infective nutrient? Hints: it’s not a mineral, an amino acid, a fatty acid, or water. So, it’s a vitamin. And, it’s not vitamin C, or vitamin D. The answer is vitamin A. Highlighted research article: "Revealing the targets and mechanisms of vitamin A in the treatment of Covid-19." Ten different known methods of action against covid-19 and covid-19 related symptoms are discussed. Vitamin A has been shown to promote healthy mucous membranes, which help prevent pathogens from entering the body, and it has been shown to be effective against the common cold, malaria, measles and tuberculosis (see the above list of books for the supporting research and related information). Dandelions greens (commonly growing in yards and parks) are a top source of vitamin A (actually, plant source precursors to vitamin A called carotenoids, including alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin and others). Food sources of Vitamin A.
4. Have you heard the news about zinc?
Zinc has over 2,000 currently known essential functions in human health. It is involved in virtually every aspect of immune system function, and it is a common deficiency, especially for seniors. One common cause of deficiency: seniors are often taking 5-10 or more pharmaceutical drugs, which commonly deplete 2-15 essential vitamins and minerals for health per drug, and each essential nutrient has hundreds to thousands of currently known, essential functions in human health. Among many functions of zinc related to immune system function, our bodies utilize zinc to transport and help update vitamin A, which is one example of how nutrients work in combination to promote improved health (vitamin E is also known to enhance vitamin A absorption). The drug hydroxychloroquine helps cells uptake zinc more effectively, but it comes with side-effects (2), although possibly not a major concern for short-term use, which is common for use for covid-19 treatment, together with zinc. A naturally occurring nutrient, quercetin (contained within many fruits, citrus, apples, berries, greens, other foods, and nutritional supplements in higher potency) has been shown to produce a similar effect, without the side-effects. Quercetin's food sources and quercetin's health effects. Common covid-19 symptoms are loss of taste and smell, which are textbook zinc deficiency symptoms. Additional information on zinc, functions and top food sources.
5. Vitamin C has been proven to be effective against every virus it has ever been tested against
Vitamin C has been proven to be effective against every virus it has ever been tested against, including polio (60 out of 60 polio cases cured in the 1930s, and it was written up in Time Magazine in 1939) 1, HIV and covid-19, as long as it is given at an effective dose 2, 3, 4. A 2020 study showed 2/3 less deaths from covid-19 in the most critically ill patients with the use of this one nutrient. Nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare are, of course, much more broad and extensive therapies than the use on one nutrient for healing. In fact, each plant has over 10,000 nutritional components, and over 100,000 nutritional, healthful components of food have been identified! And, many nutrients have been proven to work synergistically (1 + 1 = 3, 5 or 10, not 2). So, while individual nutrients like Vitamin C are great for promoting improved health and healing, there is simply nothing that can replace or substitute for the positive health effects of a diet which contains a variety of unrefined foods in their natural (ideally organic) state.
5.1 Detailed information and supporting research on the many proven health effects of vitamin C
- 2014 video: Nutritional Medicine and Vitamin C's Antiviral Effects, by Alan R. Gaby, MD.
- 2016 video: The Two Most Basic Vitamins, Part 1, Vitamin C, by Jonathan Wright, MD, ND (Hon).
- 2015 video: You Never Knew What Was at the Root of Nearly All Diseases (localized scurvy still a common cause or factor in healthcare concerns), by Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
- 2016 video: High Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases, by Andrew Saul, PhD.
- 2023 book: Additional excellent information on vitamin C's many well-proven health effects (a sample chapter from a book citing 16,900 studies in support of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare, with 88 supporting research studies on vitamin C; includes information on functions, conditions prevented or treated with Vitamin C, dosage, deficiency symptoms, incidence of deficiency, absorption, drug and nutrient interactions, and an excellent overview of the research in support of its use for healthcare concerns).
5.2 Hundreds of years of use of vitamin C for health promotion, prevention, and treating healthcare concerns
- Years 1556 through 1857 (and, as of 2024, the 467 year history of use of vitamin C): "From 1556 to 1857 (a 301 year time period), 114 scurvy epidemics were reported during winter months, when fresh fruits and vegetables were not available."1 Scurvy was considered an infectious disease, at the time, until it was understood to be a deficiency of Vitamin C, an essential nutrient for immune function and many other functions in human health.
- 1742 (as of 2024, 282 years ago): "British physician James Lind wrote the first real scientific discussion about the possibility that scurvy was a dietary deficiency. In his classic experiment, Lind demonstrated that patients given lemon juice recovered from scurvy."1
- 1768 to 1779 (26 to 37 years after Dr. Lind's writings): "Captain James cook's crew avoided scurvy altogether [by rationing citrus fruits] in his three long voyages between 1768 and 1779."1
- 1804 (62 years after Dr. Lind's writings): "Although some explorers adopted Lind's findings by rationing citrus fruits on long voyages ... the British Navy did not adopt the use of lime juice rations for its crews until 1804, some 62 years after Lind's discovery. Today's mainstream medical community [1996 book quote] appears to have adopted the same timeline for integrating scientific information about the importance of nutrition."1 (Actually, not quite. In 2024, it has now been about 89 years [close to a century] that it has been known that Vitamin C is a safe, inexpensive, essential nutrient that has been proven to be highly effective against any virus that it has ever been tested against, as long as it is given in an effective dose. One highly informative example in regards to an effective dose being the key for Vitamin C's use for healthcare concerns, in this case for Lyme disease, which is caused by a bacteria rather than a virus.)
- 1856 (114 years after Dr. Lind's writings): "Some explorers, like Jacques Cartier in 1856, learned that eating certain foods helped cure scurvy. Cartier's crew ate spruce tree needles; other crews ate oranges, lemons, limes and berries."1
- 1928 discovery of vitamin C (186 years after Dr. Lind's writings, and as of 2024, 96 years ago): Discovery by Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgi.
- 1935 video (89 years ago): Claus Washington Jungeblut, MD, Professor of Bacteriology at Columbia University, first publishes on vitamin C as prevention and treatment for polio. In the same year, Jungeblut also shows that vitamin C inactivates diptheria toxin. The research was so important that it was written up in Time Magazine in 1939.
- 1949 article (75 years ago): The Treatment of Polio and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C, by Fred R. Klenner, MD. Backup links(2, 3)
- 1951 article (73 years ago): Massive Doses of Vitamin C and the Virus Diseases, by Fred R. Klenner, MD.
- 1981 article (43 years ago): The Method of Determining Proper Doses of Vitamin C for the Treatment of Disease by Titrating to [increasing the level of intake to] Bowel Tolerance, by Robert F. Cathcart III, MD. "In 1970, I discovered the sicker a patient was, the more ascorbic acid he would tolerate by mouth before diarrhea was produced. At least 80 percent of adult patients will tolerate 10 to 15 grams of ascorbic acid fine crystals in one half cup water in four divided doses per 24 hours without having diarrhea. The astonishing finding was that almost all patients will absorb far greater amounts without having diarrhea when ill."
- 1982 book (42 years ago): The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease, by Irwin Stone, with forwards by Nobel Prize winners Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgi.
- 1994 article (30 years ago): Treatment of Infectious Disease with Massive Doses of Vitamin C, by Robert F. Cathcart III, MD. See also: Intravenous Nutrient Therapy: the "Myers' Cocktail", by Alan R. Gaby, MD.
- 2011 book (13 years ago): Curing the Incurables, by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD. Presents information from 1,200 supporting studies on vitamin C's many positive, well-proven health effects (see the table of contents).
- 2018 article (6 years ago): The Greatest Discovery in the History of Medicine has been Overlooked, Until Now, by Bill Sardi.
- 2020 article: When Will They Ever Learn? Ascorbate ("Vitamin C") and Health, by Jonathan Wright, MD, ND (Hon).
- 2020 research: Vitamin C Cuts Covid Deaths by Two-Thirds, by Patrick Holford.
- 2021 research: Twelve Intervention Trials, Including Five "Gold Standard" Randomized Controlled Trials, Conclude That Vitamin C Works for Covid, by Patrick Holford.
- 2021 free ebook: Rapid Virus Recovery - No Need to Live in Fear!, by Thomas Levy, MD, JD. Includes over 600 peer reviewed studies from medical journals. "Vitamin C, by intravenous and/or oral administration has been documented in the scientific literature to cure the following viral infectious diseases: Polio, Acute viral hepatitis, Measles, Mumps, Viral encephalitis, Chickenpox, Viral pneumonia, Influenza, Zika fever, Chikungunya virus, and Ebola as part of an ozone protocol. Not surprisingly, the most important factors in assuring an optimal and rapid cure of a given viral syndrome with vitamin C are: (1) total dose, (2) frequency of administration (keeping blood levels of vitamin C in a therapeutic range), and (3) route of administration and form of vitamin C (intravenous, oral regular form, oral liposome-encapsulated form). The importance of vitamin C in the treatment of any viral syndrome is further highlighted by the fact that viral infections rapidly consume whatever vitamin C is in the body."
- 2023 book: Vitamin C's many well-proven health effects (a sample chapter from a book citing 16,900 research studies in support of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare, with 88 supporting research studies on vitamin C's health effects).
5.3 Implementing the above research on Vitamin C now, in 2025 -- not hundreds of years from now!
- Top food sources of vitamin C.
- Vitamin C loss due to exposure to oxygen: "Exposure to air destroys Vitamin C, so it is important to eat fresh foods as quickly as possible ... the vitamin C content of fruits and vegetables from a salad bar is only a fraction of what it would be in a fresh salad. For example, freshly sliced cucumbers, if left standing, lose 49 percent of their vitamin C content within the first 3 hours. A sliced cantaloupe left uncovered in the refrigerator loses 35 percent of vitamin C content in less than 24 hours."1
- Vitamin C loss due to cooking methods: 30% lost during freezing food, 80% lost during drying (dehydrating) food, 50% lost during cooking, 75% lost during cooking + draining, 50% lost during reheating. Source: USDA Nutrient Retention Factors, 2003; 2007 USDA Nutrient Retention Data.
- Information on Raw Foods and Juicing (food preparation methods which keep Vitamin C levels very high).
- Test Your Level of Vitamin C at Home with a Simple Urine Test for Less Than $1.00/day!
- Screening for Vitamin C in the Urine: Is It Clinically Significant? by James A. Jackson, PhD, Kelly Wong, BS; Chad Krier, ND, DC; Hugh D. Riordan, MD.
- What Kind of Vitamin C Should I Take, and Why? by Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
- Video: Information on Liposome-encapsulated Vitamin C (better clinical effects than even IV Vitamin C, at 1/10th the dose), by Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
- Information on Liposome-encapsulated Vitamin C, Part 1, Part 2, by Thomas Levy, MD, JD and Richard Passwater, PhD
- Additional information on vitamin C's many extensively proven health effects against many different pathogens and for many different healthcare concerns:, Vitamin C Research Summary, and functions and top food sources.
- See News and Research Studies for the latest news and research in support of vitamin C against covid-19.
6. Vitamin D (and natural healthcare) for health optimization and immune system support
Studies have found that the incidence of disease, severity of cases, and number of deaths from covid-19 are each inversely correlated with vitamin D levels (year 2020). Top Vitamin D Research (2021). Vitamin D for covid-19: real-time meta analysis of 335 studies (Feb., 2025). Similar research is available for vitamin C, zinc, vitamin A, magnesium, selenium and other nutrients, which is essentially (or a large part of) the natural healthcare approach for healthcare concerns: focus on promoting health, and most conditions will go away on their own, or be prevented. One way to promote health is to regularly obtain high levels of nutrients known to promote health! Related info in the below video:
Video: The Two Most Basic Vitamins, Part 2, Vitamin D, by Jonathan Wright, MD, ND (Hon). Vitamin D research and functions discussed:
- Vitamin D studies showing the lowering all cause mortality (lower rates of death from cancer, heart attacks, stokes, and diabetes; whatever the problem, you are less likely to die of it if you have more vitamin D, with the exception of deaths due to physical accidents and harm). Research study: "Vitamin D: importance in the prevention of cancers, type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis" . Article: Vitamin D - reduction in all-cause mortality.
- Vitamin D's role in helping our bodies produce our own germ killers ("yes, our bodies can make what we would loosely call antibiotics, if we have enough vitamin D, and if we don't have enough vitamin D, our bodies can't make those -- this is for real; we can actually make our own germ fighting substances in our own bodies [cathelicidins] if we have enough vitamin D");
- A vitamin D dependent method our bodies use to lower blood pressure.
- 80% less type 1 diabetes (for infants given 2,000 IU for 1 year after birth, Research study: "Intake of vitamin D and risk of type 1 diabetes: a birth-cohort study)."
- Beneficial effects on hormonal balance for men and women.
- Reduction of rates of breast cancer and fibroids.
- Slowing of genetic signals that lead to multiple sclerosis.
- Vitamin's D role in pain reduction.
- Even a reduction in falls in the elderly.
"Vitamin D is required if we are going to live as long and as healthy as we can ... 60-100 ng./ml. is the optimal level." See also: The Essential Nutrient You Need More Of, and How to Get It Absolutely Free.
Over 2,700 currently known functions of vitamin D have been discovered, 300 of which are directly related to immune system function. And, vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies.
A name you may be hearing a lot about soon: Robert Edgar Hope-Simpson (a physician born in 1908, who lived to be 95 years old) -- Is Susceptibility to Flu (and the above links strongly indicate covid-19) a Seasonal Vitamin Deficiency Symptom?
Wiki quote, 3/10/21: "His career-long interest in the manner of transmission of the influenza virus was first stirred by the great epidemic of 1932–33, the year in which he entered general practice. It culminated in a book, published in 1992, which questioned the theory of person-to-person transmission being enough to explain the simultaneous appearance of influenza in places far apart. His initial hypothesis proposed that the cause of influenza epidemics during winter may be connected to a seasonal influence. His later research suggested that the correlation may be due in part to a lack of vitamin D during the wintertime, after documenting that influenza A epidemics in temperate latitudes peak in the month following the winter solstice. His findings were based not only on observation in his practice, but also on extensive historical research into past epidemics."
Recent researchers have come to the same conclusion: "Epidemic influenza and vitamin D: "We conclude that vitamin D, or lack of it, may be Hope-Simpson's "seasonal stimulus" (the seasonal-related factor, causing low levels of vitamin D, and an increase in flu cases).
- Before the discovery of vitamin C, it was commonly thought that scurvy was an infectious disease. It turned out to be a deficiency of vitamin C.
- Currently (Feb. 2025), on, there are over 160 clinical trials for vitamin D for prevention or treatment of covid-19: Vitamin D.
- An excellent article signed by over 200 scientists and doctors, calling for increased vitamin D use to combat Covid-19, due to current research studies indicating a highly positive impact in prevention and treatment of covid-19:
- Related quote from Richard H. Carmona, MD, the 17th Surgeon General of the U.S.: "We are often enamored by high tech treatments but the history of medicine is replete [filled with] with examples of commonly overlooked basic nutritional physiology. I applaud the [above mentioned document's] signatories' efforts and dedication at raising international awareness about vitamin D ... Their encouragement to consider widespread vitamin D supplementation has little chance of harm but a tremendous potential for good."
- Our bodies produce the most active form of vitamin D and other health-promoting photoproducts from sunlight:
- Place mushrooms in sunlight to greatly increase vitamin D to high/very high levels (a top food source): Mushroom Council: Vitamin D In Mushrooms,
- Top vitamin D publications in 2024.
- For those who would like to know their body's level of vitamin D, "25-OH Vitamin D" tests are available from and other labs for about $70, and blood draws can be provided from places such as and sent to the lab, and the results will be sent to you by mail within 1-2 weeks' time.
7. Magnesium - proven effective against Polio (like vitamin C), effective for immune system support, and provides many health promoting effects
- Curing Polio with Magnesium - The Tip of the Iceberg? by Thomas Levy, MD, JD.
- Research study: "Possibility of magnesium supplementation for supportive treatment in patients with COVID-19".
- Book: Magnesium: Reversing Disease, by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD. "The bottom line is that magnesium is the natural antidote for the root cause of all pathological damage from every disease and poisoning known to man. As grandiose as that claim may sound, the proof's inside! ... Treat everything from Alzheimer's to the Zika virus."
- Book: The Magnesium Miracle, 2nd Edition, by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND (naturopathic doctor, in addition to MD). Provides extensively research study supported information on the currently known over 1,000 essential functions in human health for magnesium.
- "Magnesium is one of the more common mineral deficiencies in older adults. Even in apparently healthy senior citizens, it is usually deficient1 ... A deficiency can cause the arteries of the heart to spasm, causing a heart attack ... Deficiency can occur from decreased intake of foods rich in magnesium, eating foods depleted of magnesium due to poor farming techniques [buy organic], decreased absorption, and disorders and medications that impair magnesium absorption [drug-induced nutrient depletion]. For all men, I recommend supplementing their diet with 400 mg of magnesium citrate a day. Good dietary sources of magnesium include green leafy foods (magnesium is the mineral ion in chlorophyll), beans and whole grains." Joe Pizzorno, ND, quote from Total Wellness: Discover the Body's Healing Systems, and How They Can Work for You (1996).
- 5 Common signs of magnesium deficiency, by cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, MD
- Magnesium functions and food sources: Oregon State Linus Pauling Institute: Magnesium.
8. Immune system support articles of interest
- Covid-19: How can I cure thee? Let me count the ways, by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
- List of research studies in support of the essential roles of nutrients (bioactive, biocompatible, non-patentable molecules) in immune system function
- Curing viruses with hydrogen peroxide: Can a simple therapy stop the pandemic? (for $.10 per day), by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
- Article on the amino acid Lysine (a $.25 per day nutritional supplement)
: "Lysine Reported to Halt Coronaviruses."
- In June, 2021, the author of the article, Richard Passwater, PhD, who, in the early 1970s, was the first nutrition advisor to a National Football League team, and was also a nutrition advisor to the professional boxer and humanitarian, Muhammad Ali, was inducted into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, which is one of the top healthcare practitioner/researcher organizations focused on the study of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare. Read more about the field of orthomolecular medicine (website, healing example for dry skin).
- Additional information on lysine (and arginine) functions and food sources.
- Herbs shown to kill covid-19: 3/12/21 article: "Patented botanical formulation kills COVID."
- Nutrition-based medicine for prevention and treatment of coronavirus/covid-19, with 383 research study references cited, by four doctors, Pizzorno, Yanuck, Messier and Fitzgerald.
- Detailed information on the functions of nutrients in health promotion and immune system function.
9. NIH, 2012: "In healthy individuals ... pathogens cause no disease."
Health promotion and optimization as methods of disease prevention and treatment:
The number of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens in, on and around us all of the time: "If all the 1 × 1031 viruses on earth were laid end to end, they would stretch for 100 million light years [a light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances, and it is equivalent to about 5.88 trillion miles; 100 million light years x 5.88 trillion miles/light year = 588,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles. Put another way: 148,372,445,117,335,352 times the distance of the diameter (width) of the earth.] Furthermore, there are 100 million times as many bacteria in the oceans (13 × 1028) as there are stars in the known universe." Possibly the germophobes are missing a few (or a few trillion trillion)! Should we stop swimming in the oceans?
Also, should we avoid cell phones, computer keyboards, wallets, purses, keys, doorknobs (items frequently touched) too? Study showing cell phones (and likely many other items we frequently touch, such as wallets, purses, keys, doorknobs, etc.) have 10x more bacterial than toilet seats:
See also: health quotes, and health medicine.
10. "All essential nutrients are essential for immune system function."
Article on the immune system supporting benefits and anti-covid-19 research on vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, NAC, zinc, selenium, B vitamins, and vitamin A (reference removed).
Research study and information on the many essential nutrients that support immune system functions: "Contribution of selected vitamins and trace elements to immune function":
Table of essential nutrients for health, their functions and top food sources.
11. Effectively evaluating the use of Vitamin C, other nutrients, and other naturally occurring substances for immune system support and other healthcare concerns
The research indicating that vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, NAC, lysine, selenium, B vitamins, potassium, omega 3 fats, herbs and other natural substances are effective for immune system support and other healthcare concerns is based upon an effective dose being utilized -- as is the case for any type of healthcare intervention. And, an effective dose, in regards to the use of nutrients and other natural substances, is based upon an individual’s unique needs -- digestion factors, nutrient cofactor levels, drug-induced depletion of vitamin C (or other nutrients being evaluated or utilized for immune system support), condition related needs, genetic factor related needs, etc. -- not across-the-board, one-size-fits-all study amounts given to population groups. And, in particular for vitamin C (but for many other nutrients, as well), our bodily needs are greatly increased while under stress, and when the immune system is in need of support. In such cases, and in other cases where digestion and absorption of nutrients are concerns, vitamin C (and/or other nutrients) are used very safely in intravenous format with excellent results.
For information on effective study design for evaluating the effectiveness of nutrients (vs. other substances), see: Vitamins and minerals for lowering risk of disease: Adding to the evidence, by Robert G. Smith, PhD, Associate Editor of Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
12. Organic food (food in its natural, God-created state) or food + pesticides for health?
Reasons to Buy Organic Food
12.1 Taste!
Organic foods often taste noticeably better, due to the fact that they are grown in healthier soil, and they are grown without the several thousand contaminants that are routinely present in non-organic foods, which are, by law, excluded from organic foods. The taste difference for organic foods can be more noticeable after consuming organic foods for some time, then trying non-organic foods. Links to the long lists of prohibited chemicals for organic food production are included, below.
12.2 Soil Health
There are 118 elements in the periodic table. About 83 of these are considered essential or beneficial for human or plant health. Only 3 of these elements (nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus) are added to soil as part of "synthetic fertilizers" or "chemical fertilizers' used in non-organic food production. As a result of this practice, there has been a dramatic decline in the content of minerals (essential nutrients for health) in foods grown on American soil. Americans are now commonly deficient in magnesium, selenium, chromium, vanadium, lithium, strontium, and many other nutrients (see the below chart, and the information following the chart). Malnutrition is a primary causative factor in many healthcare concerns, including cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and many others.1
12.3 Deficiencies in our Diets: The Percentage of the U.S. Population Not Meeting the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
Data Source: United States Department of Agriculture (2009).1
Essential Nutrient for Health | Percentage of U.S. Population Not Meeting the RDA |
Vitamin E | 86% |
Folate | 75% |
Calcium | 73% |
Magnesium | 68% |
Vitamin A | 55% |
Vitamin C | 48% |
Zinc | 42% |
Vitamin B6 | 35% |
Iron | 34% |
Copper | 31% |
Vitamin B12 | 30% |
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) | 28% |
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) | 24% |
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) | 22% |
Phosphorus | 21% |
Selenium | 15% |
Information on RDAs (Recommended Dietary Allowances) and DRIs (Dietary Reference Intakes).
RDAs and DRIs are not optimal health levels of nutrients for individuals, which, in many cases, are significantly higher levels of nutrients.
12.4 Causes of Nutrient Deficiencies, which are ultimately major causes or contributing factors to poor health, illness and disease
- Consumption of non-organic food grown in poor soil (as discussed in the organic food section of this web page)
- Consumption of processed "food-like" products, rather than whole foods grown in their natural/God created state
- An over-reliance on cooked vs. raw food (cooking foods promotes significant losses of nutrients essential for health)
- Drug-induced depletion of nutrients essential for health
- Increased bodily needs for the nutrients involved in detoxifying and eliminating the many different types of toxins we are exposed to in today's world -- pesticides, environment pollutants, all kinds of chemicals being added to foods and bodycare products (over 700 chemicals on this list, pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, and other substances with varying degrees of toxicity.
- Additional causes of nutrient deficiencies: poor digestion, food sensitivities, dental factors, and excess stress (ineffectively processing stress).
12.5 Nutrient Content of Organic Foods for Vitamins, Minerals and Over 50,000 Other Health Promoting Nutrients
Many factors affect the nutrient levels of foods, including soil health, growing conditions, freshness of food, and other factors. So, it is somewhat challenging to make across the board "apples to apples" (organic vs. non-organic) comparison statements on nutrient content. But, overall, a large amount of research indicates that "with respect to nutrient content, organically grown fruits and vegetables, on average, appear to contain about 15% higher levels of vitamins and minerals [essential nutrients for health promotion, disease prevention, and healing] than conventionally grown fruits and vegetables." 1
Over 50,000 nutritional components of food have been identified (in addition to the 14 vitamins, 15 minerals, 9 amino acids, 2 fatty acids and water currently classified as "essential nutrients"). Many of these nutrients have hundreds to thousands of currently known health promoting effects. Organic foods often contain significantly higher levels of these additional health promoting nutrients.
Video: Dr. Joe Pizzorno shares information on the higher levels of nutrients in foods grown under organic food production methods, and research on the effectiveness of one of these nutritional components, a bioflavonoid called quercetin, for immune system support, including support against covid-19. As a result of toxin exposure and deficiencies of nutrients essential for health and healing ... "We now suffer the highest burden of chronic disease in every age group, ever, in human history. Something's wrong."
For information on how nutrients are used for health promotion, disease prevention, and healing, see orthomolecular medicine, health books, and natural healthcare healing systems.
12.6 Pesticides as a Condiment?
Are we foolish enough to believe that chemicals sprayed on plants to kill insects, kill rodents, and kill weeds, in the exact same areas as crops being grown for food, will not adversely affect our health and the health of the crops, if we consume these crops? See the Organic Trade Association's "Resources" tab for information on adverse health effects of pesticides and information on the health benefits of organic food.
12.7 Pesticides and Other Toxins on Non-Organic Food
500+ Chemicals Not Allowed In Organic Food (most of which are allowed in non-organic food):
12.8 Genetically modified foods, ionizing radiation and sewage sludge
Genetically modified "foods" and the use of ionizing radiation and sewage sludge are among the prohibited practices and ingredients for organic food production. The USDA's Organic Foods Standards.
12.9 Toxic minerals: lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum and nickel
Organic foods are often shown to contain significantly lower levels of toxic minerals, including lead, cadmium, mercury, aluminum and nickel, which are known to be contributing factors in many healthcare concerns.
12.10 Adverse Health Effects of Pesticides and Other Toxins
"Symptoms that indicate specific toxins: ... Anxiety, brain fog, depression, dizziness, drowsiness, elevated blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, frequent infections, headache, insomnia, irritability, joint pain, loss of coordination, loss of sense of touch, memory loss, metallic taste, moodiness, muscle weakness, nausea, nervousness, rash on hands and feet, tremor."1
"Diseases that indicate specific toxins: ... ADHD, ALS, Anxiety, Cancer (bladder, breast, lung, lymphohematopoietic), diabetes, infertility, juvenile IQ, metabolic syndrome, myocardial infarction, obesity, obstructive lung disease, osteoporosis, renal disease, thyroid dysfunction."1
"How toxins dysregulate your body: ... When a chemical toxin enters your body, it actually alters the speed at which many key functions take place. This alternation can decrease the activity of enzymes that are required for every bodily function. For example, toxins may: increase or decrease heart rate; interrupt neuron connections necessary for the brain to function; decrease the production of thyroid hormones that regulate how fast enzymes work; block insulin-receptor sites on cells so sugar can't get in to produce energy.1
"How toxins cause disease: ... Toxins poison enzymes ... displace structural minerals, resulting in weaker bones ... damage the organs ... damage DNA, which increases the rate of aging and degeneration ... modify gene expression ... including causing adverse health effects that can span generations ... damage cell membranes, so they don't respond properly [such as] insulin not signaling the cells to absorb more sugar, for example, or muscle cells not responding to the message from magnesium to relax ... interfere with hormones and cause imbalances ... [and] last but not least, toxins actually impair your ability to detoxify - and this is the worst problem of all."1
For research-study referenced information on the direct adverse effects of pesticides and other toxins on health, see The Toxin Solution -- How Hidden Poisons in the Air, Water, Food, and Products We Use Are Destroying Our Health -- And What We Can Do To Fit It, by Joe Pizzorno, ND, and Clinical Environmental Medicine -- Identification and Natural Treatment of Disease Caused by Common Pollutants, by Pizzorno and Walter Crinnion, ND, and other toxin information and detoxification books.
Additional information on Reasons to Buy Organic:
Additional information on the direct adverse health effects of many of the above chemicals used on non-organic foods, as well as other sources of toxins, and information on supporting the body's detoxification systems:
12.11 The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen
The Environmental Working Group produces an annual list of the foods highest in pesticides, called The Dirty Dozen, and the foods lowest in pesticides, called The Clean Fifteen.
12.12 The Essential Roles of Nutrients in Health and Healing
For information on how nutrients are used for health promotion, disease prevention, and healing, see orthomolecular medicine, health books, and natural healthcare healing systems.
12.13 Biblical Basis for Consuming Organic Foods
Sanctification and many other related Bible verses.
12.14 Organic Food Distributors, Suppliers and Farms (Mid-Atlantic and U.S.)
Amish farms and vendors (Lancaster County, PA), Procacci Brothers (Philly), Four Seasons Produce (Ephrata, PA), Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-op, UNFI Produce (U.S. distributor), Northwest Wild Foods (Bilberries, Aronia Berries and others; U.S. distributor).
13. Raw foods vs. cooked foods
Various food cooking and processing methods leave little nutritional value left in foods. For example, approximately 30% of the vitamin C in foods is lost when food is frozen, and 50-80% or more is lost through common cooking methods. In general, about 40-50%, or more, of the vitamins and minerals which have been determined to be essential for human health, a strong immune system, and prevention (and treatment: see for thousands of supporting research studies and nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare research summaries for healthcare concerns) of many healthcare concerns are lost when food is cooked, including all of the enzymes contained in food (enzymes are more heat-sensitive than other nutrients; they are destroyed by cooking foods above 118°F, such as during most cooking methods and during pasteurization, canning and microwaving: USDA Nutrient Retention Factors, 2003; 2007 USDA Nutrient Retention Data. Enzymes are catalysts for reactions in our bodies, and they help digestion, support the immune system in multiple ways (including by breaking down the protective coating on certain viruses), help prevent nutritional deficiencies, help normalize inflammation, and help promote detoxification and the elimination of waste products.
Make your own produce wash solution, from Eating Clean for Dummies, by Jonathan Wright, MD and Linda Larson (, #1.2): 1 C white vinegar, 1 C water, 1 TBS baking soda, 1 tsp of salt in a spray bottle and shake well. Spray on fruits and vegetables. Let stand 5-10 min. Rinse well and eat. "You can store this for about a week before you make another batch. You can also rinse your produce, sprinkle it with baking soda, and then gently scrub it using your fingers. Just be sure to rinse your produce well with water before you eat it."
14. Saying goodbye to processed foods, and hello to improved health and improved immune system function
Research indicates that the majority of the food consumed by Americans is in the form of highly processed foods (57.5% of calories, according to one large study; vs. a diet comprised of foods in their natural state, with 0% of calories from highly processed foods. These "foods" are missing large portions of the over 100,000 nutritional components (health promoting substances) known to be contained within different foods (10,000+ healthful, nutritional components per food).
15. Natural Healthcare and Biblical Healing Philosophy
- "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." World Health Organization Definition of Health
- "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas Edison
- "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein
- "The health of the patient is always the most important thing." Joseph Pizzorno, ND
- "Unfortunately, there are no medications and no surgeries that have ever or will ever cure lifestyle-induced diseases." Brenda Davis, RD
- "The most pervasive and silently accepted crisis in America today is the ill health of our people. We must change our fundamental approach from a traditional disease-driven, treatment-oriented medical model, to one that deals with the real problem of improving people's health." Joseph Pizzorno, ND
- "Iaomai" - the Greek word used in the Bible to describe healing.
- "Healing, particularly as supernatural and bringing attention to the Lord Himself as the Great Physician."
- "Draws the attention to the Lord, the supernatural Healer, i.e. beyond the physical healing itself and its benefits."
- "To heal, make whole, to cure, to perform healing."
- The Liberty Bell got its name from being rung July 8, 1776, to call the citizens of Philadelphia together to hear the Declaration of Independence read out loud for the first time. Inscribed on the Liberty Bell is: "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." Leviticus 25:10
16. 100,000+ studies in support of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare
100,000+ studies in support of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare as primary healthcare interventions for healthcare concerns, including immune system support: The following books highlight up to 16,800 research studies per book in support of the use of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare as primary interventions for healthcare concerns, or as additions to other healthcare interventions:
17. Welcome to the Field of Orthomolecular Medicine
Orthomolecular medicine means correct, or right molecule medicine -- the use of nutrients and substances normally present in the body in therapeutic amounts to promote optimal immune system function, optimal health, and healing (rather than the use of synthetic, man-made, patentable substances that do not occur in nature, such as pharmaceutical products). The term was originally coined by Linus Pauling, the vitamin C advocate, and two-time Nobel Prize winner. The website highlights information from physicians and researchers from around the world with expertise in the use of naturally occurring substances for health promotion. For current orthomolecular medicine news articles, scroll 1/2 way down this page:
"Dietary supplements, including vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, flavonoids, herbs, and accessory food factors, are among the most valuable and safe substances for prevention and treatment of serious chronic and acute diseases associated with mortality, as well as everyday health problems that cause discomfort and disability." Health effects of nutritional supplements on healthcare concerns, including viral healthcare concerns, brain function, heart health, blood pressure, vision, diabetes and longevity:
PubMed: The Origins of Orthomolecular Medicine. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal, Steven Carter.
Video playlist: Jonathan Wright, MD, ND(Hon) and his team of healthcare practitioners discuss orthomolecular medicine, health optimization and healthcare innovations. E-newsletter, radio show, clinic, lab, blog.
Andrew Saul, PhD's interview with Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, orthomolecular medicine. Abram Hoffer's 60 Years of Research and Discovery of the Orthomolecular Approach to Psychiatry.
18. No deaths - none - zero (or, extremely close to zero) from vitamins and minerals
According to the following reports:
- 2023 Report:
- 2019 Report:
- 2015 Report:
- 2013 Report:
- 1983-2009 Report:
- 97,000x safer than properly administered pharmaceutical drugs:
- Information on drug-induced depletion of nutrients essential for health and healing
- A healthcare system in need of change:
19. Outstanding video #1: The proven roles of nutrients in healthcare
Video: Alan Gaby, MD, speaking on the proven roles of nutrients in healthcare, including for viral healthcare concerns such as coronavirus/covid-19. Dr. Gaby is the author of Nutritional Medicine,, which cites 16,800 research studies (out of the 100,000 studies that he and his associates have compiled) on nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare for over 400 healthcare concerns.
As Dr. Gaby says, when others say there's no evidence for the natural healthcare approach, "They will quickly change their mind, if the 8 lb. book is dropped on their foot!"
20. Outstanding video #2: 85 years of history and the proven roles of nutrients in healthcare
Video: Timeline and Results of Vitamin Therapy - 1935 to Present, by Andrew Saul, PhD. Research study referenced information on the essential roles of nutrients in health promotion, treatment and prevention of disease. Dr. Saul is the editor of the (orthomolecular medicine) website.
21. We live on a green planet. Eat something green every day!
Greens are more nutrient-dense than other food groups. In fact, if a large green salad with a variety of nutrient-dense greens is consumed daily as a (or the) major meal of the day, the average nutrient intake for the 41 essential vitamins and minerals listed above is often 3-6x the RDA/RDI of each essential nutrient -- real health promotion, and real immune system support! See also:
22. Sunlight, exercise, oxygen and fresh nature air
Sunlight, exercise, oxygen and fresh nature air are good reasons for taking a walk (even a very short one, around the block, or .25, .5, .75 mi. or more) or jog daily, at sunrise, or in the afternoon sun. Oxygen was used as a therapy for greatly reducing deaths during the 1918 flu, and it has been used as an anti-cancer therapy since the 1920s ( Catching a walk or jog daily helps increase oxygen levels in the body, helps digestion, increases the body’s production of the most active form of vitamin D (and other health promoting photoproducts produced in our bodies when exposed to sunlight), improves circulation, promotes the elimination of wastes, improves the mood, helps promote a healthy bodyweight, improves circulation, helps promote the elimination of wastes, improves the mood, helps promote a healthy bodyweight, and helps reduce anxiety -- all kinds of health benefits (,, And it’s free. Consuming a diet high in raw produce helps provide much higher levels of nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C and B vitamins, which are involved in muscle function, energy production and helping provide needed nutrition for physical activity and health promotion.
23. Current articles from world-class experts in the field of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare on immune system function and health optimization (improving overall health as a method of health promotion and fighting disease)
- 25+ excellent articles on the proven roles of nutrients and natural healthcare therapies in immune system support: covid-related articles.
- "Covid-19: How can I cure thee? Let me count the ways..." Article by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, from July, 2020. "With the treatment options available ... there is certainly no good reason for anyone to die from this virus, much less have a prolonged clinical course of infection with a great deal of needless suffering."
- "Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus," by Andrew Saul, PhD, and the editorial board of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service.
- "Evidence supporting a phased immuno-physiological approach to covid-19 -- from prevention through recovery" -- the natural healthcare approach, one article with 383 supporting research studies cited: Medical professional level reading, but still readable, if the necessary time is taken to do so (21 pages, 3.5 of which are graphs). One of the authors, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, has been teaching and writing on nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare solutions for immune system support for 45+ years.
- "Curing Viruses with Hydrogen Peroxide: Can a simple therapy stop the pandemic?" (for less than 10 cents per day), by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD.
24. Natural healthcare healing systems, practice groups, and physician directories
- Orthomolecular Medicine: and
- Naturopathic Medicine:
- Functional Medicine:
- Vision Improvement Therapy/Behavioral Optometry:
- Natural Dental Care/Biological Dentistry:
- Men's Health, Women's Health, Children's Health, and the Promotion of Fertility and Healthy Pregnancies:
- Healthcare Practitioner Organizations, Directories, and Related Information and Resources:
- Pastors, Sermons, Bible Studies, and Related Resources:
25. Coronavirus/covid-19 vs. Faith and the Bible
Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, LA, has continued to hold church services in person every week during 2020-2023, standing on the Bible verses instructing them to do so (Psalm 35:18; Hebrews 10:25; 2 Timothy 1:7; Acts 2:1; Exodus 20:3; Psalm 91 and others), and standing on the 1st Amendment as it is written. The church uses over 30 school buses to pick up 600+ people for Sunday church services, feed everyone weekly, and hold mid-week church services and Bible study classes for the church of 1,100+ members -- without masks and without social distancing (for the most part). Related information: and
Video: 10/17/20, Br. Tony Spell and Life Tabernacle Church, Baton Rouge, LA. Music: No Ordinary Worship, Sermon: Is There Not a Cause?
Video: 8/29/21, Br. Tony Spell and Life Tabernacle Church, Baton Rouge, LA. Music: Victory Belongs to Jesus, Sermon: Destiny
Health Quotes and Bible Verses