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Natural Healthcare News
Video: Timeline and Results of Vitamin Therapy - 1935 to Present, by Andrew Saul, PhD ( Research study referenced information on the essential roles of nutrients in health promotion, treatment, and prevention of disease.
- Science Demands Questions: The Danger of Silencing Vaccine Critics
- So Where Are The Bodies? Andrew Saul, PhD
- The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C, Fred. R. Klenner, M.D., 1949.
- Orthomolecular Nutrition Immunity: A Holistic Alternative to Vaccines Against Infections, Richard Z. Cheng. M.D., Ph.D.
- Covid-19: The Science We Should Know
- Resolving Persistent Spike Protein Syndrome
- Vitamin C Innovation - Helping Our Bodies Produce Vitamin C
- Reversing Shingles with Vitamin C, Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.
- Niacin Was, Is, and Always Will Be, Essential to Life and the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Just for Starters
- Abram Hoffer's 60 Years of Research and Discovery of the Orthomolecular Approach to Psychiatry
- Summary of 'Vitamin D: Evidence-Based Health Benefits and Recommendations for Population Guidelines,' Richard Z. Cheng. M.D., Ph.D.
- Mushrooms - A Natural Source of Vitamin D
- A Closer Look at RDA Requirements
- How Is Organic Food Grown?
- The 30 Plants-a-Week Challenge
- It’s Not About Politics, It’s About Reclaiming Health with Common Sense - How the 3 Core Views on Medicine Can Transform Our Approach to Health, Richard Z. Cheng. M.D., Ph.D.
- Nutrition and Brain Function
- Behavioral Optometry, Bates Method, Vision Improvement, Learning Improvement
- Book: A New World of Seeing: Practice and Perspectives of Natural Vision Improvement, by Natural Vision Educators
- Book: Healing Glaucoma: Natural Medicine for Self-Healing: Natural Vision & Eye Care, by Glen Swartwout, OD
- Information on behavioral optometry and vision improvement therapy
- Behavioral optometry and dyslexia
- Video, book, website: Healing is Voltage for Eye Health Concerns, by Jerry Tennant, OD
- Energy medicine for healing and vision health concerns
- Billionaire Richard Branson: "Dyslexia Is My Superpower": How Learning Differently Helped
Video: Dr. Jerry Tennant - Healing is Voltage
- Behavioral Optometry (Vision Improvement Therapy) can help improve or possibly cure dyslexia
- "While conventional medical texts assert that only about 1% of the population has food allergies, nutritionally oriented physicians will tell you that half of all patients they test are allergic to at least one food, some many more." ... "Food allergy can do anything to any part of the body." Quote sources and additional info on food sensitivities and food sensitivities.
- Identification of food sensitivities can help improve many/most healthcare concerns, including vision, hearing, heart health, arthritis, and many others
- Innovative natural healthcare lab tests
- Upcoming free online seminar on natural eyecare and vision improvement, Thurs. 1/30/26
- Upcoming inexpensive series of online seminars on natural eyecare and vision improvement, Thurs. 1/30/26 through 2/27/25
- Books on natural eyecare and vision improvement:,
- Cranial sacral therapy for dyslexia and other vision-related healthcare concerns
- Behavioral Optometry and Vision Health
- Biological Dentistry and Natural Dental Care
- Hearing Loss and Restoration
- Nutrition-based Medicine, Natural Healthcare, and Biblical Research Summary on Immune System Support
- Organic food (food in its natural, God-created state) or food + pesticides for health?
- Health Optimization and Proactive Healthcare
- 100+ Recipes: Nutrient-dense recipes and related health information
- Recipe: Guacamole
- See where your 5K run time ranks compared to 35 million race results
- Calculate your 5K pace per mile
- Most Visited Webpages of 2024
- About
- Health Optimization and Proactive Healthcare
- Fully Healed, Fully Cured
- Natural healthcare healing systems, practice groups, physician directories, and faith-based healing resources
- Natural Brain Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Alzheimer's, Dementia and Other Related Diseases Naturally, by Michael Edson, MS, LAc. Contains over 3,000 supporting research studies and references. Provides concise information on hundreds of nutrients and foods for brain health, as well as information on how nutrients, foods, and other natural healing factors/methods can be used to support improved brain health for brain-related healthcare concerns, including: neurogenesis, memory, dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), brain fog, brain inflammation, leaky gut and digestive factors related to brain health, gluten sensitivity and brain health, nutrients for the brain, adverse effects of common drugs on brain health, and eye health.
- Vitamin A in Cancer Prevention and Treatment, Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS
- Vitamin A: The Anti-Infective Nutrient
- How Turmeric Can Help Fight Cancer, Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS
- The Beethoven Effect – Fighting Cancer. "The study ... results were startling: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C minor appeared to destroy about 20% of the cancerous cells in just a few days, while leaving healthy cells unscathed."
Video: Beethoven's 5th Symphony
- The Pure Cure: A Complete Guide to Freeing Your Life of Dangerous Toxins, by Wynters and Goldberg
- Clinical Environmental Medicine: Identification and Natural Treatments of Disease Caused by Common Pollutants, by Pizzorno and Crinnion
- Additional books and information on detoxification
- Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, by Murray and Pizzorno
- Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health: 175 Teas, Tonics, Oils, Salves, Tinctures, and Other Natural Remedies for the Entire Family, by Rosemary Gladstar
- The Generosity of Plants: Shared Wisdom from the Community of Herb Lovers , by Rosemary Gladstar
- Books on Fertility, Pregnancy, Women's Health, Men's Health and Children's Health
- Toxicology vs Virology: The Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud
- Detoxification: Natural Healthcare Protocols for Eliminating Toxic Substances from Our Bodies
- Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame
- Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame Bio. "All diseases ultimately start and are then propagated by increased oxidative stress in the affected organs and tissues, both intracellularly and extracellularly."
- Frederick Klenner, MD, Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame Bio. Treating Polio with Vitamin C.
- Adelle Davis, MSc, Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame Bio. "The body does best when provided with all of the known nutrients, as well as fresh food sources for obtaining nutrients yet to be discovered by science. Knowing the amounts of nutrients that the body requires under given conditions, one can make educated decisions . . . Without knowing the research, one cannot judge what amounts are necessary to avoid vitamin deficiencies. Deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can cause illness that is reversed when the nutrients are added to the diet."
- Forsythe Cancer Care Center, James Forsythe, MD, HMD
- Vitamin C and Sepsis: The Genie Is Now Out of the Bottle, by Thomas Levy, MD, JD
- Cataracts, Natural Treatment, Jonathan Wright, MD, NH (Hon)
-'s latest news
- Health optimization as the new healthcare paradigm
- How to locate and implement top health information from the fields of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare
- Natural healthcare educational training for healthcare practitioners and others interested in health
- Institute for Natural Medicine list of web pages by health topic or conditions
- Barlean's Essential Fat Products
- Health benefits of raw food vs. cooked food
- Cherie Soria's Living Light Culinary and Healing Arts, Raw Foods Preparation Online Training Programs
- Do Supplements Really Work?
- "Asthma is a secondary nutritional deficiency to gluten intolerance. It’s a very common disease. Eczema and dermatitis, things like rosacea on the face, psoriasis – these things are all caused as secondary nutritional deficiency diseases to gluten intolerance. You can’t absorb the nutrients that would prevent or reverse these."
- "Then, there’s Celiac disease, diverticulitis, appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel syndrome, colitis, ulcer colitis and Crohn’s disease. Well doctors say these things are all immune diseases and want to cut your intestines out. But they’re all caused directly by gluten intolerance."
- MRI, Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease
- About Joel Wallach, DVM, ND
- Dead Doctors Don't Lie, Joel Wallach, DVM, ND
- Dead Doctors Don't Lie DVD (Someone Should Go To Jail), Joel Wallach, DVM, ND
- 90 Essential Nutrients (vs. 41-42 commonly classified as being essential)
- Report from the U.S. Senate published in 1936: "99% of American people are deficient in minerals ... and a marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals actually results in disease."
- The Connection between Acetaminophen (Tylenol, NyQuil and other sources) and Autism
- Ultizing natural healthcare as primary healthcare
- Video: Note to Congress, RFK Jr. and President Trump: 60/60 cases of polio were cured in the 1930s with high dose Vitamin C, and it was written up in Time Magazine in 1939
- Top "scientific natural healthcare" clinic:
- Top "natural healthcare and integrative medicine cancer treatment clinic":
- Top "natural natural healthcare" in-patient care center and health resort for health optimization, heart health, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and other healthcare concerns: Hippocrates Health Institute
- Anti-cancer nutrition and health info:, Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS
- Innovative and inexpensive top natural healthcare health optimization lab testing: Meridian Valley Lab
- Naturopathic Medicine: Science-based Natural Healthcare
- Naturopathic Medicine AI (Artificial Intelligence) - based Health Optimization System
- Video: Using the naturopathic medicine AI system to cure seizures - no more seizures, and no more drugs for seizure prevention needed
- Functional medicine: A continuing educational training program for medical professionals to get up to speed on naturopathic medicine and natural healthcare; Certification
- Patient resources, and find a functional medicine practitioner in your area
- Adrenal, Thyroid, and Pituitary Health
- Bone, Skin, and Muscle Health
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Health
- Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain
- Dementia and Cognitive Health
- Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
- Food Sensitivities, Intolerance and Allergies
- Gut and Microbiome Health
- Immune Health and Autoimmunity
- Infections
- Mental Health
- Nutrition, Health and Wellness
- Pediatric Health
- Toxins and Detoxification
- Womens and Men's Hormonal Health
- Video: The huge impact of environmental toxins on health, and how to eliminate them from our bodies, by Joe Pizzorno, ND, Mark Hyman, MD
- Textbook of Natural Medicine (Naturopathic Medicine), by Murray and Pizzorno
- Nutritional Medicine, by Gaby
- Nutritional Therapy in Medical Practice: Reference Manual and Study Guide, by Wright and Gaby
- Additional top books on nutrition-based medicine, natural healthcare, naturopathic medicine and functional medicine - for cancer, heart health, diabetes, arthritis, men's health, women's health, children's health and over 400 other healthcare topics and concerns
- How to locate and implement top health information from the fields of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare
- The Parasite Menace: A Complete Guide to the Prevention, Treatment and Elimination of Parasitic Infection, by Skye Weintraub, ND
- Dr. Gabriel Cousins has demonstrated that ~30% of type 1 diabetics, and close to 100% of type 2 diabetics can be off of all diabetes medications within 3-4 week's time on raw, vegan diet
- The Great Diabetes Lie provides well-documented information on the causes of increased rates of diabetes.
- The Toxin Solution provides information on removing the causes of diabetes, by a doctor who has spent 50 years studying the topic.
- There is a Cure for Diabetes, Revised Edition: The 21-Day+ Holistic Recovery Program, by Gabriel Cousins, MD
- Kick Diabetes Essentials: The Diet and Lifestyle Guide, by Brenda Davis, RD
- The Kick Diabetes Cookbook: An Action Plan and Recipes for Defeating Diabetes, by Brenda Davis, RD, and Vesanto Melina, MS, RD
- Natural Healthcare Defined
- Health Quotes and Philosophy
- Nutrition-based Medicine and Natural Healthcare Resources and News Sources
- List of Health Webpages
- Nutrition-based Medicine and Natural Healthcare Books
- Natural Healthcare Healing Systems, Practice Groups, and Physician Directories
- Probiotic Dilemmas, by Ross Pelton, R.Ph., Ph.D., CCN
- Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3: A Breakthrough in Glutathione Therapy, by Ross Pelton, R.Ph., Ph.D., CCN
- Glutathione!, by Joe Pizzorno, ND
- Glutathione
- Wobenzym N Product Info
- 100 Recipes
- Reasons to Buy Organic Food
- More Reasons to Buy Organic Food
- Foods Highest and Lowest in Pesticides
- Books and Resources on Fertility, Pregnancy, and Children's Health - Men's health, women's health, children's health, and the promotion of fertility and healthy pregnancies
- Utilizing Stem Cells (from our own bodies) and Related Therapies for Effective, Non-Surgical Joint Cartilage Regeneration
- Playlist of videos on utilizing stem cells to promote healing and regeneration
- Healthcare Freedom
- Natural Healthcare Solutions for Restoring Hearing
- About Jonathan V. Wright, MD, ND (Hon) - Presenter of Don't Go Deaf: Aldosterone and Hearing Loss
- Nutrition and Brain Function (info and books)
- 467 Years of Use and Proof of Vitamin C's Many Positive Health Effects
- Books and Info on Women's Health (and some info on Men's Health), Natural Fertility, Pregnancy, and Children's Health
- New, Innovative, Assistive Hearing Devices Being Used by AC/DC, Kiss, Paul McCartney, Beyonce, and Many Other Musicians
- Natural Healthcare Solutions for Vision Health Concerns: Learning-related Vision Skills, Near-Sightedness, Far-Sightedness, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, and other Vision-related Healthcare Concerns
- Natural Dental Care Information, Practioners, Books, and Products
- How to Locate and Implement Top Information on Nutrition-based Medicine and Natural Healthcare
- Food Addiction: Casomorphins and Gliadorphins, by Lauren Deville, ND
- Innovation in Healthcare
- Healthcare - A Few Questions
- Non-Drug Methods of Preventing and Treating Diabetes (used alone, or in combination with other treatment methods)
- Foods that Commonly Cause Allergic Reactions (or food sensitivity reactions, which adversely affect or contribute to causing many healthcare concerns), and Foods that Commonly do not Cause Allergic/Food Sensitivity-type Reactions
- 24 Good Reasons Why You May Need Vitamin Supplements
- List of Health Web Pages
- Health Optimization and Proactive Healthcare
- Something Different: Real-World Proven, Research Study Referenced, Natural Healthcare Solutions for Health Optimization and Healing
- About
- Bible Verses on Education
- Healing Power: Utilizing the Brain, Healing Energy, and Biblical Faith to Promote Health and Healing
- Nutrition and Brain Function (using nutrient precursors to neurotransmitters to safely, effectively, positively affect brain function)
- Top Natural Healthcare Books by Category
- Behavioral Optometry and Vision Improvement Health Books and Information
- Fertility, Pregnancy, and Children's Health Books and Information
- Healthcare Practitioner Organizations, Directories, and Related Information and Resources
- Information and Presentations on Herbal Medicine by Topic:
- Nutrients for Health
- The Scientific Method Applied to Healthcare
- Leadership Studies
- The Scientific Method Applied to Healthcare
- Reasons to Buy Organic
- Deficiencies in our Diets: The Percentage of the U.S. Population Not Meeting the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
- Toxin Information and Detoxification Book page update
- Thermography for Breast Health and other Body Imaging Needs
- Health Books page update
- Toxin Information and Detoxification page update and Books
- (Natural) Biological Dental Care page update and Books
- Healing Voltage Information and
- News page format and content updates
- The Holy Bible page update
- Utilizing the Brain, Healing Energy, and Biblical Faith to Promote Health and Healing
- Remarkable Progress in Regression of Liver Cancer: Less Than Six Months to Decrease Tumor Mass by 85%, by by Andrew W. Saul, Robert G. Smith, PhD and Ron Hunninghake, MD
- List of Health Webpages
- Information on an Artificial Intelligence Health Optimization System (Health Questions and a Database of Research and Natural Healthcare Healing Protocols) Used to Successfully Cure Seizures in an Individual
- Nutrition-based Medicine and Natural Healthcare Books
- Nutrition-based Medicine and Natural Healthcare News Sources
- Natural Healthcare Information
- Broccoli Sprouts and Cancer, by Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS
- What Happens When You Eat Too Much Sugar?, by Patrick Quillin, PhD, RD, CNS
- Common Drugs Contribute to Dementia, Heart Conditions, by
- Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally,
- Statins Increase Diabetes Risk by 38 Percent, by Joseph Mercola, DO
- They say "Multivitamins are a waste of money" -- REALLY??, by Ron Hoffman, MD, LAc, CNS
- Information on Drug-induced Depletion of Essential Nutrients for Health and Healing
- Naturally occurring enzyme showing positive results preventing and reducing blood clots, Nattokinase
- H-Wave machine: Improved circulation, accelerated healing, and pain reduction
- Hypothyroidism Research Summary