Coronavirus, Covid-19

Nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare. Natural, bio-compatible immune system support.

Video: Examples of Major Diseases Cured with Nutrition, 1935 to Present.

  1. Supporting the Immune System
    1. The "Infection Equation"
    2. The "Anti-Infective Nutrient" -- Hint: It's Not Vitamin C
    3. Vitamin C & Major Diseases: Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Polio, Pneumonia, Diabetes, Arthritis, Glaucoma, MS, and Others
    4. Flavonoids
    5. Sample Menu Providing an Average of 6x the RDI/RDA for Each Essential Nutrient
    6. Hundreds to Thousands of Currently Known Functions in Human Health for Each of the 41 Essential Nutrients
    7. Louis Pasteur: "The Pathogen is Nothing. The Terrain [the level of health, immune function, and health of the internal environment] is everything."
  2. Related News Articles and Webpages
  3. Nutrition for Immune Support
    1. Using Nutrients for Health and Immune Function
    2. Greens and Nutrient-Dense Foods
    3. One Ingredient Foods
    4. Organic Foods
    5. Digestive Support for Increased Nutrient Absorption and Improved Immune Function
    6. Raw Foods, and Nutrient Losses Due to Cooking Foods
    7. Juicing
    8. Nutrient-Dense Cooked Foods
    9. News: Vitamin C for Immune Support
    10. News: Vitamin C and Other Nutrients for Immune Support
    11. Food Sensitivities
    12. Sugar
    13. Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion
    14. Alcohol
    15. Caffeine
    16. Adverse Health Effects of Poor Nutritional Status
    17. Summary and Nutritional Supplements
  4. A Different Healthcare Paradigm
    1. Foundations of Health
    2. Bio-compatible Healthcare Systems and Interventions
    3. Implementing the knowledge obtained from 70,000+ studies on nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare from the major medical journals from the last 100 years
    4. Curing Illness vs. Symptom Management
  5. 85+ Years of Supporting Medical Research and Safety
  6. Additional Information

1. Introduction to Supporting the Immune System

1.1 The "Infection Equation"

The "infection equation" is like a math equation: 1 + 2 = 3, where 1 is the immune system, 2 is the infecting organism, and 3 is the result of their interaction.1 Current government reports (March-May, 2020) state that the coronavirus is primarily causing deaths in people with weakened immune systems (the 1 in the infection equation therefore needs to be supported). But, there is essentially nothing being presented on how to strengthen the immune system so that it can effectively defend against viral healthcare concerns (such as coronavirus) and the many, many, many other infecting organisms our immune systems are exposed to on a daily basis.

Ultimately, the "infection equation" is (or can be viewed as) a health optimization and healing philosophy that is directly counter to the "one pill/drug or one vaccine for every disease" approach to healthcare.2 Currently, according to the CDC, there are 1,200 active flu viruses, including 397 H1N1 viruses (the 2009 virus pandemic was an H1N1 virus).3, 4, 5 So, attempts to primarily or solely focus therapies towards one particular virus (the infecting agent -- the "2" in the infection equation; even though the virus may be spreading quickly and causing harm) are, somewhat, a greatly limited approach to immune system support. Number of deaths per year due to flu viruses for the last 9 years: 12,000 to 61,000/year (out of 9.3 million to 45 million cases reported/year).6 This figure does not include the number of deaths per year caused by many other conditions partially or directly related to immune system function, including cancer, which causes close to 600,000 deaths per year.7

"The common cold is a coronavirus, and SARS [the early 2000s virus epidemic] is a coronavirus, so they are the same viral type." David Jenkins, MD, Professor of Medicine and Nutritional Science, University of Toronto.8

"The immune system protects the body against infection and development of cancer."
"Supporting immune function involves a comprehensive approach."
"Nutrient deficiency is the most common cause of depressed immune system."9

Video: Presentation by Alan Gaby, MD. Dr. Gaby and a team of researchers reviewed ALL of the major medical journals for information on the use of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare (100,000+ studies), and he summarized the information in his recent life's work book called Nutritional Medicine. 16,800 studies are referenced in the book.

1.2 The "Anti-Infective Nutrient" -- Hint: It's Not Vitamin C

There are currently 41 nutrients classified as essential nutrients for human health (14 vitamins, 15 minerals, 2 fatty acids, 9 amino acids and water). Deficiency of any one of these essential nutrients can cause illness, poor health and eventually death. One of the essential nutrients was originally called the anti-infective nutrient. Which nutrient? The answer is not Vitamin C (which, like many other nutrients, also supports immune system function). The answer is Vitamin A.

There is very strong evidence indicating that the average Vitamin A intake of Americans is only 25% or less (possibly only 10%)1, 2, 3 of what has been determined through many years of research to be an optimal level for promoting health and longevity. And, in addition this, higher levels of many nutrients (such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium and others) are needed during illness to actively prevent illness progression, and actively promote healing and recovery from illness and disease. A large amount of supporting medical research and information for these statement is included on this web page, which is focused on safe, effective methods of immune system support.

Some of the supporting research on the current average U.S. dietary intake level of "Vitamin A, the anti-infective nutrient" being much lower than the level needed to help the immune system function optimally is include below:

Extended quote from Textbook of Natural Medicine, ©2006, by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D, and 100+ contributing authors with 10,000+ medical references cited. The below section of the book was written by Alexander Schauss, PhD, FACN.

The Development of Suggested Optimum Nutrient Intakes

As a result of numerous epidemiologic, clinical, and experimental studies, it is now possible to create SONI [Suggested Optimal Nutrient Intake] levels for vitamins, minerals, and trace elements essential to health.

Nearly 20 years ago [now, in 2020, 30 years ago], an effort was made by Drs. Cheraskin and Ringsdorf at the University of Alabama School of Medicine in Birmingham to establish optimum nutrient intake levels. Their prospective study of the intake levels of vitamins and minerals in humans spanned 15 years. They examined the dietary intake and physiologic levels of nutrients in more than 13,500 subjects, male and female, living in six diverse regions of the United States. The results of their multimillion dollar study was compiled into 153 volumes containing more than 49,000 pages of data.

Only a small but significant portion of their findings were ever released. A series of some 100 research papers were published during a 20-year span ending in the early 1990s, but it seems that their work has been neglected because it is rarely cited in the literature. Cheraskin and Ringdorf’s research, with the assistance of specialists in various disciplines, investigated the health status of study participants through a time-consuming evaluation of each person’s health status over a 15-year period. Each subject completed the following tests and procedures:

  1. The 195-item Cornell Medical Index health Questionnaire (CMI)
  2. Physical and anthropometric measurements
  3. Dental examination
  4. Eye examination
  5. Cardiac function tests, including an electroencephalogram (EEG)
  6. Glucose tolerance test (GTT)
  7. Panel of 50 blood chemistry analyses
  8. A comprehensive study of the diet, including a study of food intake over 7 days

This study attempted to find evidence whether there existed an “ideal” combination of macronutrients, micronutrients, carbohydrates, protein, and fat that would suggest which nutrients contributed to health and longevity, and at what level. The hypothesis of the study was that relatively symptomless and disease-free individuals are healthier than those with clinical symptoms and signs and that this difference was due to the intake of nutrients from the diet and/or dietary supplementation. Of course, any study, even one involving some 13,500 subjects studied prospectively in six diverse geological regions over 15 years has inherent weaknesses and shortcomings. But it remains the only study of its nature that made its findings available to researchers to analyze and mine for data on what optimal nutrient levels in humans living in a Western culture might be.

*For Vitamin A, the average U.S. intake listed in the above research was 453 RE (retinol/Vitamin A equivalents) and the Suggested Optimal Nutritional Intake was 1750 to 2000 RE (23 to 26% of the Suggested Optimal Nutritional Intake).

*Vitamin A is also essential for maintenance of healthy epithelial tissue (which includes healthy lungs) -- one of the main areas of the body where infections are occurring and causing deaths.

*Vitamin A includes animal sources (primary organ sources, such as liver; top source per calorie: cod liver oil; other sources: Vitamin A is commonly added to dairy products) and plant sources known as Carotenes or Carotenoids, which are a family of 600+ currently discovered plant pigments, some of which are converted into Vitamin A (pro-Vitamin A Carotenoids), and some are not (non-Vitamin A Carotenoids). The non-Vitamin A Carotenoids have other very important functions -- in many cases (such as for the non-Vitamin A forming Carotenoids Lutein, Lycopene and Astaxanthin), far greater antioxidant and immune supporting/anticancer activities than the pro-Vitamin A Carotenoids.4, 5, 6 Carotenoids are essentially nontoxic (and inexpensive), even at very high levels. The below Juicing section of this webpage (further down the page) provides an easy, inexpensive method for pushing non-Vitamin A Carotenoid and pro-Vitamin A Carotenoid levels to very the higher levels mentioned in the above quoted study as being helpful for promoting optimal health, optimal immune function and longevity. And, there are health clinics throughout the U.S. and the world that use high non-Vitamin A Carotenoid and high pro-Vitamin A Carotenoid juicing, along with other safe, non-toxic, bio-compatible health optimization methods to (in many cases) treat cancer patients successfully (and/or improve treatment outcomes, when combined with mainstream cancer treatment methods). Examples of such clinics and some of the supporting research that the clinics have made readily available are included in the summary section of this webpage.

Currently, only an RDI/RDA for Vitamin A has been established. The optimal level for Carotenoids (many of which are non-Vitamin A Carotenoids, which do not convert to Vitamin A, but, in many cases, have similar effects as Vitamin A, including immune system supporting effects) has not been well-established. Since current research indicates that Carotenoids from plants are essentially non-toxic, even at very high levels, significantly increased Carotenoid levels (for as many different Carotenoids as possible), may prove to be a huge benefit for (1) reducing the severity of immune system related healthcare concerns, (2) reducing the spread of contagious illnesses, and (3) reducing deaths from immune system related healthcare concerns.7, 8, 9

Reference #4: R. M. Russell, "Physiological and Clinical Significance of Carotenoids," International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research 68, no. 6 (1998): 349-53.

1.3 Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases: Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Polio, Pneumonia, Diabetes, Arthritis, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, and Others

Video: Andrew Saul, PhD, speaking on the many proven health effects of Vitamin C

"During the great polio epidemic of 1949-50, Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, a family physician in North Carolina, treated 60 polio patients with high doses of intravenous vitamin C. None developed paralysis."1, 2

As mentioned in the first video at the top of this page, "In 1935, Professor Claus Washington Jungblut, MD, Professor of Bacteriology at Columbia University, showed that Vitamin C helped to stop polio [another viral related healthcare concern]. The doses that he used were not very high. But, it was so important that it was written up in Time Magazine, in 1939." There are many links on this webpage to research in support of the use of Vitamin C for general immune support and for viral-related healthcare concerns. And, Vitamin C is currently being used in New York and China to treat coronavirus (unfortunately, not likely with high carotenoid/vitamin A therapy and other supporting therapies included on this webpage), with very good results (more on that later).

Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the discoverer of Vitamin C, for which (along with related work) he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1937: “I strongly believe, that the correct application of Ascorbic Acid will fundamentally change our mortality statistics, including cancer too. This is why considering vitamin C a medicine -- which is sold in ‘mg’ tablets by pharmacists -- should be ceased. It should be kept in every household, and it should be found on the same shelves of grocery stores as sugar, salt and flour. The Ascorbic Acid powder should be sold by the pound. Ascorbic Acid is that kind of vitamin, that must be consumed as food."

Richard Cheng, MD, PhD treated 50 moderate to severe cases of COVID-19 infection with high dose IV Vitamin C. "All patients who received intravenous Vitamin C improved, and there was no mortality."

Role of Vitamin C and other nutrients in management of COVID-19, by Dr. Yuen Ghuen Fong Raymond, MBBS, MMed, MMedSc, FAMS

1.4 Flavonoids

"Flavonoids are plant pigments that exert antioxidant activity that is generally more potent and effective against a broader range of oxidants than traditional the antioxidant nutrients vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc. Flavonoids lend color to fruits and flowers, and are responsible for many of the medicinal properties of foods, juices, herbs and bee pollen. More than 8,000 flavonoid compounds have been characterized and classified according to their chemical structure. Flavonoids are called 'nature's biological response modifiers because of their anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiviral and anticancer properties."1 Flavonoids work together with Vitamin C and enhance Vitamin C's health effects. Close to 1 gram of vitamin C from food sources (over 10x the RDI/RDA) and a high level of flavonoids are included in the above Sample Menu. Higher levels of Vitamin C (and the supporting Flavonoid nutrients) have been shown to significantly help immune system function, especially for viral-related healthcare concerns.

1.5 Sample Menu Providing an Average of 6x the RDI/RDA for Each Essential Nutrient + High Levels of Carotenoids, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Flavonoids

1.6 Hundreds to Thousands of Currently Known Functions in Human Health for Each of the 41 Essential Nutrients

Many essential nutrients have hundreds to thousands of currently known, essential functions in human health (2,000+ for Vitamin D, 1,000+ for magnesium, and 300+ for zinc), including essential functions in the immune system. Additionally, thousands of other nutritional components of foods have been shown to have positive effects on health and the immune system.

1.7 Louis Pasteur: "The Pathogen is Nothing. The Terrain [the level of health, immune function, and health of the internal environment] is everything."

Excerpt from The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, 3rd. Edition, ©2012 by Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., founding President of Bastyr University, one of the top colleges on nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare in the U.S., and Michael Murray, N.D., author of over 30 books highlighting the top science on nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare (bold text and links have been added to the quote):

Pgs. 8 and 9: This obsession [with infective agents rather than host defense factors] really began with Louis Pasteur, the 19th-century physician and researcher who played a major role in the development of the germ theory. This theory holds that different diseases are caused by different infectious organisms, with the patient as a passive victim...

Another 19th-century French scientist, Claude Bernard, also made major contributions to medical understanding. Bernard, however, had a different view of health and disease. Bernard believed that the state of a person's internal environment was more important in determining disease than the pathogen itself. In other words, Bernard believe that the person's internal "terrain," or susceptibility to infection, was more important than the germ. Physicians, he believed, should focus more attention on making this internal terrain a very inhospitable place for disease to flourish.

Bernard's theory led to some rather interesting studies. In fact, a firm advocate of the germ theory would find some of these studies to be absolutely crazy. One of the most interesting studies was conducted by a Russian scientist named Elie Metchnikoff, the discoverer of white blood cells [for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1908]. He and his research associates consumed cultures containing millions of cholera bacteria, yet not of them developed cholera. The reason: their immune systems were not compromised. Metchnikoff believed, like Bernard, that the correct way to deal with infectious disease was to focus on enhancing the body's own defenses.

During the last part of their lives, Pasteur and Bernard engaged in scientific discussions on the virtues of the germ theory and Bernard's perspective on the internal terrain. On his deathbed, Pasteur supposedly said: "Bernard was right. The pathogen is nothing. The terrain is everything." Unfortunately, Pasteur's legacy is the obsession with the pathogen, and modern medicine has largely forgotten the importance of the "terrain." ...

There is an ever-increasing body of knowledge that supports the use of whole foods, nutritional supplements, and a healthful lifestyle and attitude in enhancing resistance to infection. For example, children deficient in any of a large number of nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and zinc, are far more susceptible to a wide range of infectious agents...

Pg. 181: "Supporting immune function involves a comprehensive approach." ... "Nutrient deficiency is the most common cause of depressed immune system."

"The germ theory of disease -- infectious disease is primarily caused by transmission of an organism from one host to another -- is a gross oversimplification."1

Does the flu shot increase the risk of Covid-19? (Yes) and Other Interesting Questions2, 3

This web page provides information on supporting the immune system -- the first and most important part of the "infection equation."

Video: 5/1/20 News Report on the Successful Use of Vitamin C and Other Nutrients to Prevent and Treat Coronavirus / COVID-19.

  1. 4/1/20: Nutrients for Immune Support for Viral Healthcare Concerns -- 85+ Years of Proven Results
  2. 3/24/20: New York Hospitals Treating Coronavirus Patients with Vitamin C: “The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C” ... “It helps a tremendous amount...”
  3. 3/24/20: Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia
  4. 3/20/20: Coronavirus: Who Is It Killing and Why Are They Dying?
  5. 3/3/20: Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for Coronavirus - COVID-19: "The government of Shanghai, China has announced its official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high amounts of intravenous vitamin C."
  6. 2/25/20: Harvard MD: People are Dying Needlessly of the Coronavirus
  7. 2/10/20: Vitamin C and Its Application in the Treatment of nCoV Coronavirus: How Vitamin C Reduces Severity and Deaths from Serious Viral Respiratory Diseases
  8. 1/24/19: Statement from Johns Hopkins denying "Event 201" (below) was related to COVID-19
  9. 10/18/19: "Event 201" a high-level pandemic exercise occured where a fictional coronavirus pandemic was modeled, along with all related communications and public health recommendations, by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  10. "Their very existence [essential nutrients as cures for disease] was also almost forgotten in the time of the Pasteurian revolution, when microbial infection came to be thought of as the likely explanation for every disease."

3. Nutrition for Immune Support

3.1: Using Nutrients for Health and Immune Function

  1. Vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, carotenoids and other nutrients have essential roles in immune function and human health, which no drug, vaccine, hand washing, masks, or world-wide social distancing/stay at home/quarantine program can replace (well-proven by Elie Metchnikoff, the discoverer of white blood cells, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1908, and many other researchers over the last 120+ years).
  2. 10,000+ nutritional components in foods have been discovered, many of which (in addition to Vitamin A and Vitamin C, as mentioned above) provide direct support (acting as precursors or cofactors) for the immune system’s response to viral infections and all other types of infections.
  3. Some nutrients, such as Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc, have hundreds to thousands of currently known, essential functions in human health (2,000+ for Vitamin D, 1,000+ for magnesium, and 300+ for zinc), including many essential immune system related functions.
  4. Deficiency of any nutrient due to poor diet, poor digestion, stress, immune system challenges/increased needs, nutrient losses due to cooking food, or the very common problem of drug-induced nutrient deficiencies (2) can cause equally broad-ranging adverse health effects and chronic disease.3
  5. Information on the hundreds (in some cases thousands) of currently known, essential functions in human health, immune function, and anti-viral function for each of the above nutrients can be found on the following links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
  6. See health quotes and biocompatible/orthomolecular medicine for related information.

3.2: Greens and Nutrient-Dense Foods

  1. We live on a green planet. So, it's likely a good idea to eat something green everyday! Greens have more vitamins and minerals per calorie than other food groups. Additionally, greens contain chlorophyll, the green pigment found in the chloroplast compartments of plant cells. Electromagnetic energy (light) is converted into chemical energy in the process called photosynthesis; for more energy, go green! Chlorophyll has been shown to promote improved health and provide significant antioxidant and anticancer effects.1
  2. Sprouts are also very nutrient dense. For example, broccoli sprouts have been shown to contain anywhere from 30 to 50 times the concentration of protective chemicals found in mature broccoli plants.1
  3. A diet high in greens and other raw produce items (whether or not meat is included in the diet) provides high levels of nutrients for optimal health and optimal immune function.
  4. Sample Menu providing an average of 6x the Dietary Reference Intake (RDI/RDA) for each of the 41 essential nutrients from nutrient-dense food sources
    actually 34 essential nutrients for which nutritional data is available for most common foods).

3.3: One Ingredient Foods

  1. Foods in their natural state (unprocessed foods) do not come with ingredient labels and long lists of ingredients. They only have one ingredient (the food itself). They don't have labels, preparation instructions or ingredient lists.
  2. Processed foods add sugar, sodium, preservatives, trans fats, white flour, artificial flavors, artificial colors and many other essentially non-food ingredients.
  3. By eating whole foods in their natural state, the "diet automatically becomes higher in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, and lower in refined sugar, bad fats, and food additives." ... "With fewer chemicals to deal with, your body becomes better able to concentrate on keeping you healthy." ... "Not getting enough vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals in your diet puts you at greater risk for catching infectious diseases." ... "Overall, eating food without labels is less complicated and better for you."
  4. "A study published in Nature Neuroscience found that your brain reacts to junk food just like it does to addictive drugs like heroin. Kind of scary, right? You've likely seen pictures of heroin addicts, who will do anything for that next hit." ... "With little or no vitamins, mineral and phytochemicals to help the body repair itself, junk food junkies eventually come to the end of the line and develop a disease."
  5. "...Scientists estimate that 310,000 to 580,000 deaths in the United States every year are caused by an unhealthy diet and lack of physical exercise." ... "[P]eople don't die of a poor diet; they die because of the diseases caused (or exacerbated) by that poor diet. These diseases include: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, autoimmune diseases and osteoporosis."
  6. "Choose foods that are nutrient dense. In other words, for every calorie a food provides, it should also provide vitamins, minerals, protein, carbs, fiber, and good fats."
  7. Out of 9,300 NHANES study participants (U.S. consumers), the average intake from highly processed food was 57.5% of total calories consumed by study participants ... vs. consuming 100% of foods in their natural, unprocessed state, resulting in on average, 6x the RDA/RDI of each nutrient known to be essential for optimal health and immune system function.

The above quotes and the below quote are from Eating Clean for Dummies, ©2016, by Jonathan Wright, MD, ND (Hon), who skipped 2.5 years of high school, before attending Harvard for his undergraduate studies, and Linda Larsen, author of 34 books, many of which are on nutrition.

  Junk Foods: Fake Everything

You know that junk foods contain artificial colors and flavors, along with sugar and salt to increase their addictive qualities. But do you know that junk food manufacturers also manipulate texture? Texture and flavor are the two big players in food's appeal. Emulsifiers, two or three trips into the frying pan, thickeners, fats and stabilizers increase the mouthfeel, or texture, of processed foods. In other words, manufacturers artificially manipulate their foods to make them more pleasing to your mouth. This artificial mouthfeel gives junk food and advantage over regular food, so you tend to crave it more than whole foods. After your realize that the whole mouthfeel is just as artificial as the ingredients, you may be able to say no the next time you crave a triple-fried cheese doodle. Try a crisp apple or some cauliflower instead.

3.4: Organic Foods

  1. Organic foods regularly contain higher levels of nutrients essential for health and healing: 1, 2.
  2. Non-organic foods are sources of probable carcinogens, suspected hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, developmental or reproductive toxins, and environmental toxins.
  3. Organic foods are lower in toxic substances, which adversely affect health. How toxins cause poor health and disease.
  4. Agricultural chemicals, for the most part, where non-existent 150 years ago.

3.5: Digestive Support for Increased Nutrient Absorption and Improved Immune Function

  1. See Raw Foods, Juicing and Food Sensitivities, below.
  2. Eat smaller meals throughout the day.
  3. Detailed Information on Digestive Support
  4. Probiotics and Prebiotics
  5. Plant foods contain a fermentable fiber called oligosaccharides, which feed beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
  6. There are more bacteria in our intestines than there are cells in our bodies.
  7. 60-70% of the immune system is located in the digestive tract.
  8. 3/18/20: New study suggests digestive issues can be the first sign of coronavirus / COVID-19.
  9. Probiotics Exist Because of the Man Who Drank Cholera (and discovered white blood cells, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1908)

3.6: Raw Foods, and Nutrient Losses Due to Cooking Foods

Video: Playlist of Raw Foods Videos. The first features raw food Chef, Juliano Brotman, author of Raw: The Uncook Book. The second video features Brenda Davis, RD, co-author of Becoming Raw: The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets. For additional information on raw/live foods and recipes, see the author names of the following Raw Foods Books, and search their names and recipes on YouTube (or purchase their books).

  1. Raw foods have food enzymes (which help digestion and immune function), cooked foods do not.
  2. Common cooking methods destroy 50% or more of the vitamins and minerals in food (nutrients essential for health and healing), and all of the food enzymes. Lesser or higher levels of nutrient loss result based upon cooking time and methods. There is also some information on the increased absorption of some nutrients from cooked food (which is included in the above Become Raw book), which may not, in some cases, actually be due to cooking, since chopping and blending raw plant foods also disrupt the plant matrix, and increase the bioavailability of nutrients.1 Overall, research indicates that, on average, raw foods are far superior in nutrient levels (25 to 75% higher, depending upon cooking time and methods).
  3. One example of the health effects of raw/live plant food: The raw/live plant food diet has been shown to be very effective in reversing diabetes (almost 100% of cases of type 2 diabetes, and even about 30% of type 1 diabetes) within 3-4 weeks' time, with further healing results achieved the longer patients stay on the diet -- outstanding results getting patients off of insulin shots numerous times throughout the day, for life. View related information here, presented by Gabriel Cousins, MD.
  4. Raw Foods Books: Nutrition Information and Recipes

Excerpt from Living Foods for Optimal Health, ©1998, by Brian Clement, PhD, LN. For Dr. Clement's latest research on the health benefits of raw/live plant food, see Food is Medicine, Vols. 1, 2 and 3, © 2012-2014.

...Whenever we're talking about physiological health, we must consider the immune system, because on an anatomical level, this system is the very reason a person is either healthy or ill.

It is undisputed within the scientific community that when bacteria, chemicals, pollen, or any foreign substance enters the body, the immune system's fighter cells (along with numerous other cells) notice the foreign substance, and call in the white blood cells. These cells work to destroy and eliminate the intruder.

...[In 1930, Dr. Paul Kouchakoff, M.D.] found that every time we eat cooked foods, we increase the number of white blood cells in our blood stream2; the immune system is called upon to protect is! Later in 1943, Otto Warburg further supported Kouchakoff's findings in his study on a process called leukocytosis, which he found occurs when you take a food into the body that has been heated above 194 degrees (a temperature below the boiling point of water). Leukocytosis causes the food to be recognized as a foreign substance by the immune system, and provokes an attack of the fighter white blood cells.3, 4, 5 This process also occurs when additives, pesticides, and chemically-based supplements enter the body.

Not only are we not getting the oxygen, enzymes and nutrients from cooked foods and processed foods, but, very importantly, we are also compromising the vitality of the immune system, by causing it to work so steadily to destroy and eliminate the food we eat...

"At the University of Clinical Chemistry in Switzerland, Dr. Kouchakoff performed 300 experiments on the relationship between white cell counts and cooked versus raw food, and the findings we indisputable! He established that there was a pathological response of the human body to any food altered by high temperatures. He further observed that prepared or processed meat, when cooked or smoked, brought on the most violent reaction from the human immune system, which mobilized white blood cells in numbers comparable to when the body is poisoned by chemicals or pathogens."6

As mentioned above, sprouts are very nutrient dense. Broccoli sprouts have been shown to contain anywhere from 30 to 50 times the concentration of protective chemicals found in mature broccoli plants.7

Excerpt from Becoming Raw: The Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets, ©2010 by Brenda Davis, RD, and Vesanto Melina, MS, RD.

  • Raw broccoli provided about three times more isothiocyanates than cooked broccoli, with myrosinase inactivated.1
  • Microwave cooking resulted in a 74% loss of glucosinolates and boiling a 55% loss, due to the leaching into cooking water. Steaming had minimal effects.*
  • Boiling and steaming eliminated the sulforaphane in fresh broccoli, while reduced losses were noted with pressure cooking and microwavingl.2
  • Glucosinolates and phenolic compounds were reduced with microwave cooking, in direct proportion to the cooking time and the amount of water used.3
  • The estimated sulforaphane in humans was about three times higher after consumption of lightly cooked broccoli than fully cooked broccoli.4

Activities of the above mentioned nutrients:

  • Glucosinolates include:
    • Indoles (such as indolyl-3-carbinol): anticancer, favorably influences estrogen metabolism
    • Isothiocyanates (such as sulforaphane): anticancer, potent inducers of Phase 2 enzymes [detoxification enzymes]
  • Myrosinase: a plant enzyme responsible for converting certain phytochemicals into highly beneficial, bioactive metabolites (breakdown products)
  • Phenolic compounds: antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, or antimutagenic and anti-inflammatory effects5

*Additional References for the above information:

  • Vallejo F, Tomas-Barberan FA, Garcia-Viguera C. Glucosinolates and vitamin C content in edible parts of broccoli florets after domestic cooking. Eur Food Res Technol. 2002;215:310-16.

Excerpt from Living Foods for Optimal Health, ©1998, by Brian Clement, PhD, LN. For Dr. Clement's latest research on the health benefits of raw/live plant food, see Food is Medicine, Vols. 1, 2 and 3, © 2012-2014. Four raw/live food recipes:

  1. Hippocrates Luncheon Salad
    1. 2 cups alfalfa sprouts
    2. 2 cups buckwheat lettuce
    3. 1 cup mung bean sprouts
    4. 1/2 cup fenugreek sprouts
    5. 1/2 cup sunflower seed sprouts
    6. 1/2 cup chopped zucchini
    7. 1 red bell pepper, chopped
    8. 1 tablespoon dulse
    9. Basic Nut Sauce or Autumn Nut Sauce ...
    10. Place all of the ingredients in a large salad bowl and serve with nut sauce of choice.
    11. Makes 4 servings.
  2. Basic Nut Sauce
    1. 1/2 to 1 cup sprouted almond, hazelnut, and/or pine nuts
    2. 3 to 4 ounces pure water for each 1/2 cup of sprouts
    3. 1 garlic clove
    4. 1 green onion
    5. 1/8 teaspoon powered raw cayenne pepper
    6. 1 leaf basil, oregano, or thyme
    7. Blend all ingredients until pureed.
    8. Makes 2 to 4 servings.
  3. Autumn Nut Sauce
    1. 1 cup walnuts or pecans
    2. 4 ounces of pure water
    3. 1 medium leek
    4. 1 medium bunch peppermint or spearmint
    5. Blend all ingredients on medium speed until pureed.
    6. Makes 2 to 4 servings.
  4. Green Dressing
    1. 1 large avocado
    2. 1 small onion, quartered
    3. 2 celery stalks, cut into 2-inch pieces
    4. 1/4 cup parsley
    5. 1/4 cup dill
    6. 1/4 cup basil
    7. 1/4 cup watercress
    8. 1 cucumber, unpeeled and quartered
    9. 1 garlic clove
    10. Braggs Aminos to taste
    11. Blend all ingredients in a blender, adding enough cucumber juice to reach reach desired thickness.
    12. Makes 3 to 5 servings.

3.7: Juicing

Video: Playlist of Juicing Videos

  1. Juicing is the next best thing to a nutrient IV (or, something much better, actually), supplying many nutrients essential for immune function in an easily digestible, highly absorbable form. An common IV likely supplies less than 50 nutritional components. Each plant juiced contains over 10,000 active, health promoting nutritional components.
  2. Popular, nutrient-dense juicing recipe: 2/3 apple, carrot, and/or beet, 1/3 greens.
  3. Juicing Books: Nutrition Information and Recipes

Excerpt from The Complete Book of Juicing, ©2013 by Michael Murray, ND. Three sample recipes:

  1. Immune Power Fruit
    1. This drink is rich in many nutrients vital to the immune system, and it also abounds in flavonoids and other phytochemicals with demonstrated antiviral and antioxidant effects.
    2. 1 orange, peeled; 1 cup strawberries; 1/4 pineapple with skin, sliced
    3. Juice the orange, followed by the strawberries and pineapple.
  2. Immune Power Veggie
    1. This juice is a great immune system fortifier, especially useful during an active infection. Rich in carotenes and the immune-enhancing benefits of garlic and ginger, this drink gives your immune system a real shot in the arm. With their high content of inulin, the Jerusalem artichokes provide additional immune-enhancing benefits.
    2. 2 garlic cloves; 1/4-inch slice of ginger; handful of parsley; 3 carrots; 1 apple, cut into wedges; 1 cup Jerusalem artichokes (optional)
    3. Place the garlic and ginger in the center of the parsley, and feed into the juicer with the aid of a carrot. Alternate feeding the remaining carrots, apple, and Jerusalem artichokes (if using) into the juicer.
  3. Immune Power Veggie Extreme
    1. This formula is a great weapon against an active upper respiratory tract infection. The daikon radish really helps clear the sinuses and nasal passages.
    2. 2 garlic cloves; 1/4-inch of ginger; handful of parsley; 3 carrots; 1/2 large daikon radish, cut into lengthwise pieces, or 4 radishes with leafy greens
    3. Place the garlic and ginger in the center of the parsley, and feed into the juicer with the aid of a carrot. Juice the radish and the remaining carrots.

Excerpt from Living Foods for Optimal Health, ©1998, by Brian Clement, PhD, LN. For Dr. Clement's latest research on the health benefits of raw/live plant food, see Food is Medicine, Vols. 1, 2 and 3, © 2012-2014. Sample recipe:

  1. Green Juice Hippocrates Style
    1. 4 ounces sunflower green sprout juice
    2. 2 ounces buckwheat green sprout juice
    3. 6 ounces cucumber juice
    4. 6 ounces celery juice
    5. Combine all ingredients.
    6. Makes 1 serving.

3.8: Nutrient-Dense Cooked Foods

Video: Playlist of Healthy Cooking Videos, by George Mateljan, author of The World's Healthiest Foods Cookbook, 3rd. Edition, which provides outstanding information on nutrition, nutrient-dense foods, cooking methods to minimize nutrient losses, and 30 days of recipes supplying 100% or more of the RDI/RDA of essential nutrients for health and healing.

  1. A diet focused on nutrient-dense foods (cooked or raw) can improve health and immune function. As mentioned above, raw foods provide food enzymes and generally significantly higher levels of nutrients than common methods of cooking food. The healthy cooking methods highlighted in George's book and videos greatly minimize nutrient loss. And, in some cases, significantly increase levels of healthful nutrients.
  2. Sample menu providing 100% or more of 18 nutrients currently known to be essential for human health.

3.9: News: Vitamin C for Immune Support

  1. 3/24/20: New York Hospitals Treating Coronavirus Patients with Vitamin C: “The patients who received vitamin C did significantly better than those who did not get vitamin C” ... “It helps a tremendous amount...”
  2. 3/24/20: Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia
  3. 3/22/20: Published Research and Articles on Vitamin C as a Consideration for Pneumonia, Lung Infections, and the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19)
  4. 3/20/20: High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19
  5. 3/18/20: Successful High-Dose Vitamin C Treatment of Patients with Serious and Critical COVID-19 Infection
  6. 3/5/20: Vitamin C Saves Wuhan Family from COVID-19
  7. 3/3/20: Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for Coronavirus - COVID-19: "The government of Shanghai, China has announced its official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high amounts of intravenous vitamin C."
  8. 3/1/20: Vitamin C is Currently Being Used to Treat Coronavirus in China and Korea, and it's Working; Includes Reports from Doctors and Hospitals in China and Korea, and Supporting Medical References
  9. 2/28/20: 40 Doctors Sign Letter Stating Vitamin C is the Best Current Treatment Option for Coronavirus
  10. 2/25/20: W. Gifford-Jones, MD: Why You Need Vitamin C
  11. 2/23/20: Tons of Vitamin C to Wuhan: China Using Vitamin C Against COVID (Coronavirus)
  12. 2/21/20: Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
  13. 2/19/20: Video: Vitamin's C's Outstanding Results Reducing Deaths from Coronavirus and Other Healthcare Concerns
  14. 2/17/20: Video: Update on the Current Use of Vitamin C in China to Treat Coronavirus
  15. 2/16/20: Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia (Coronavirus)
  16. 2/13/20: Coronavirus Patients in China to be Treated with High-Dose Vitamin C
  17. 2/10/20: Vitamin C and Its Application in the Treatment of nCoV Coronavirus: How Vitamin C Reduces Severity and Deaths from Serious Viral Respiratory Diseases
  18. 2/2/20: Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses
  19. 1/30/20: Nutritional Treatment of Coronavirus

3.10: News: Vitamin C and Other Nutrients for Immune Support

  1. 4/1/20: Nutrients for Immune Support for Viral Healthcare Concerns -- 85+ Years of Proven Results
  2. 3/28/20: Coronavirus and the Sun: a Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
  3. 2/25/20: Harvard MD: People are Dying Needlessly of the Coronavirus
  4. 1/29/20: Coronavirus, Precautions, and Strengthening the Immune System
  5. Immunity All-Stars -- Astragalus, beta-glucans, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D
  6. Nutritional Support for Immune Function
  7. Detailed Information on Nutrition for Immune Support
  8. (Linus Pauling Institute): Immunity in Brief (Immune support nutrition)
  9. Hoffer's Home Page -- Orthomolecular Treatment of Cancer (Immune support, including support for viral infections)
  10. HIV/AIDS (supporting the body's greatly increased nutritional needs while under illness, viral infections and stress)
  11. Meyer's Cocktail - Nutrient IV, by Alan Gaby, MD. Used to help many healthcare concerns, especially when digestion may not be optimal.
  12. Oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, echinacea, elderberry, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, selenium, immune system boosters and probiotics for anti-viral immune support
  13. Commonly utilized nutrients and herbs used for supporting the immune system's response and defense against viral-related health concerns: Vitamins A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium, Lysine, Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice root), Melissa offinalis (Lemon Balm), Sambucus Nigra (Elderberry), Aloe Vera, Astragalus membranaceus (Astragalus), Allium sativum (Garlic), Echinacea angustifolia, and mushrooms such as Inonotus obliquus (Chaga), Grifola frondosa (Maitake), and Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi).1, 2,, 3, 4

3.11: Food Sensitivities

  1. Identifying and avoiding food sensitivities can greatly help immune system function.

3.12: Sugar

  1. 3 ounces of sugar (an average dessert serving size) has been shown to cause a 50% reduction in white blood cell count for one to five hours1), significantly inhibiting immune function.
  2. Additionally, sugar intake promotes loss of calcium and magnesium supplied by other foods.1

3.13: Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion

  1. By definition, drugs are non-natural substances (natural substances cannot be patented), for which production costs may be $1, but (due to patent protection from direct market competition) can be sold for $100 to $1,000 or more, and marketed to the public as health improvement substances and cures ("medicine").
  2. Drugs commonly deplete 2-15 nutrients that are known to be essential for human health.1, 2
  3. Some nutrients, such as Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc, have hundreds to thousands of currently known, essential functions in human health (2,000+ for Vitamin D, 1,000+ for magnesium, and 300+ for zinc).
  4. Any substance, illness or lifestyle factor that depletes nutrients with such broad-ranging health effects can cause equally broad-ranging adverse health effects and chronic disease. Adverse health effects of a healthcare system focused on this treatment model.
  5. "More than 300 medications are known to cause some sort of drug-induced lung disease."3
  6. See Health Reference Books citing thousands of studies from the major medical journals on nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare research summaries for most healthcare concerns.

3.14: Alcohol

  1. Alcohol is an addictive, diuretic substance, which promotes loss of water-soluble nutrients (B and C vitamins, and minerals).
  2. "Alcohol consumption increases the susceptibility to experimental infections in animals, and alcoholics are known to be more susceptible to infections, especially pneumonia. Studies of immune function in alcoholics show a profound depression in most indicators of immunity."1, 2
  3. "Alcohol ingestion suppresses immune function and impairs the body's immune responses to microorganisms."3, 4

3.15: Caffeine

  1. Caffeine is an addictive, diuretic substance, which promotes loss of water-soluble nutrients (B and C vitamins, and minerals). See Caffeine Blues for additional information on caffeine.

3.16: Adverse Health Effects of Poor Nutritional Status

  1. Due to regular consumption of sugar, alcohol, processed foods and non-organic foods (organic foods commonly have higher levels of vitamins and minerals), most Americans regularly consume nutrient levels well-below the public health recommendations, and well-below levels shown to promote optimal health and optimal immune system function.
  2. "A recent US national survey, NHANES 2007-2010, which surveyed 16,444 individuals four years and older, reported a high prevalence of inadequacies for multiple micronutrients. Specifically, 94.3% of the US population do not meet the daily requirement for vitamin D, 88.5% for vitamin E, 52.2% for magnesium, 44.1% for calcium, 43.0% for vitamin A, and 38.9% for vitamin C. For the nutrients in which a requirement has not been set, 100% of the population had intakes lower than the AI [suggested adequate intake] for potassium, 91.7% for choline, and 66.9% for vitamin K. The prevalence of inadequacies was low for all of the B vitamins and several minerals, including copper, iron, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and zinc…and more than 97% of the population had excessive intakes of sodium."1
  3. Many healthcare concerns (including poor immune response to viral infections) are directly related to poor nutritional intake. Centers for Disease Control: "6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have one chronic health concern. 4 in 10 have two or more chronic health concerns."2 1/3 of the U.S. population with diabetes or prediabetes.3 Nearly 1/2 of the U.S. population with heart disease.4 1/3 with high blood pressure.5 40% risk of developing or dying from cancer.6 40% significantly overweight.7 Evidence of highly processed foods causing poor immune function and chronic disease.

3.17: Summary and Nutritional Supplements

The below list of nutrients and herbs have been shown to support immune function (used individually or in combination), and they may prove to be (or continue to prove to be -- see the above information and news links) of great help in reducing deaths and reducing the spread of the coronavirus, based upon the research presented above, and further referenced, below. The information presented here is a summary of research included/referenced on this web page for immune system support, with a focus on viral related immune system support.

Amounts listed below for individual nutrients include amounts provided by a multivitamin and mineral formula (amounts provided by the multivitamin and mineral formula count towards the totals listed).

  1. Diet: The Sample Menu of a diet which provides an average of 6x the Dietary Reference Intake (RDI/RDA) for each of the 41 essential nutrients (actually 34 essential nutrients for which nutritional data is available for most common foods) provides high levels of nutrients well-proven to have many essential functions in immune system support. The menu features plenty of some of the most nutrient-dense greens and produce items, which can also be juiced, rather than consumed as a salad, for those whose appetites are reduced due to illness, or for those who would prefer to utilize juicing as a method of consuming higher levels of nutrients.
    1. See each of the above items under Introduction to Supporting the Immune System, Nutrition for Immune Support, and the sample recipes in the Juicing, Raw Foods, and Nutrient-Dense Cooked Food sections.
    2. "Eliminate all simple sugars (simple sugars inhibit neutrophil phagocytosis and other components of immune function)."1
  2. High quality, high-potency multivitamin and mineral formula2 (formulated for regular consumption of 2-6 tablets per day, since important minerals, such as calcium and magnesium are too big for one tablet). And/or, regular consumption of the above Sample Menu.
  3. High dose vitamin C (3,000 to 15,000+ mg, or quite a bit higher via IV; see the above links, including 80+ years of success reducing deaths due to viral-related illness with vitamin C) taken to bowel tolerance (high dose vitamin C can cause diarrhea) incrementally every 1-2 hours as needed.1
    1. *Intravenous vitamin C protocol (25-50 grams), if indicated by severity, or "Meyers cocktail" in selected cases: High-dose vitamin C has been found to be helpful for upper respiratory-tract infections, viral pneumonia, mononucleosis, hepatitis, sinusitis, urinary-tract infections, and other conditions (clinical observations; uncontrolled trial for hepatitis). The "Meyers cocktail" (with maximum levels of vitamin C) appears to be beneficial for upper respiratory-tract infections and sinusitis (clinical observation -- Gaby AR).1
  4. High dose vitamin A (25,000 to 50,000 IU for 2-3 weeks if needed, not taken long term or before/during pregnancy3).
    1. *Acute infections: "50,000-150,000 IU, 2 times per day (3-5 days only); proportionally lower doses for children (clinical observation). Do not use vitamin A during pregnancy. The effect of vitamin A may be enhanced by taking vitamin D, 800-1,200 IU/day.1
  5. Vitamin D (2,000 to 5,000 IU/day)5
  6. Zinc 30-50 mg/day with food (commonly in a 12 to 1 ratio of zinc to copper; so for 50 mg zinc = include 4 mg copper)
    1. *Acute infections: "Zinc (gluconate or acetate) lozenges for colds, containing 13-23 mg of elemental zinc per lozenge, 4-6 times per day, short-term only: This treatment is effective for adults, but not for children. The lozenges should contain zinc gluconate and should not contain citric acid, sorbitol, or mannitol, which may interfere with the beneficial effect of the zinc."1
    2. Omega 3 + the bioflavonoid Quercetin in phytosome format for increased zinc absorption (and improved anti-viral effectiveness of zinc).6, 7, 8
  7. Selenium 200 mcg/day
  8. Magnesium (200 to 600 mg/day)
  9. Lysine (2,000 to 5,000 mg/day)
  10. Antiviral herbs: elderberry, licorice (not used with high blood pressure), lemon balm, aloe, garlic, echinacea and/or astragalus; commonly 3 capsules, 3-4x/day3;
    1. "Dried root (or as a decoction): 1 to 2 g three times per day"2
    2. "Tincture: (1:5): 2 to 4 ml three times per day"2
    3. "Fluid extract: (1:1): 2 to 4 ml three times per day"2
    4. "Solid (dry powdered): extract [for astragalus: .5% 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy isoflavone]: 100 to 150 mg three times per day"2
    5. *Acute infections: "Echinacea has been shown in numerous controlled trials to reduce the severity of upper respiratory-tract infections."1
    6. *Acute infections: "Black elderberry/raspberry syrup (Sambucol): 15 ml 4 times per day with meals for 5 days reduced the duration of symptoms by 56% in patients with influenza (double-blind trial).1
    7. "Research has shown astragalus to improve both immune function and immune cell numbers."1
  11. Beta-glucans and other related immune enhancing compounds from mushrooms (such as chaga, shiitake, maitake and reishi9, 10) and baker's yeast (shown to be effective in boosting immune function in humans in over 20 clinical trials11)
    1. "Wellmune WGP: 250 to 500 mg per day."2
    2. "Maitake: dosage is based upon body weight and beta-glucan content stated as MD- or D-fraction (typically .5 mg to 1 mg/kg per day)."2
    3. "Shiitake or reishi: equivalent of 6 to 9 dried mushrooms per day."2
  12. Probiotics (providing a variety of beneficial probiotic strains, live active cultures, in 10 billion+/capsule amounts; 1-2/day or much higher levels). "There is no recommended daily allowance (RDA) for probiotics. But, because your intestines are full of trillions of bacteria, it's difficult, if not impossible, to overdose on probiotics. You body will eliminate what you don't need."12 Common daily doses are 10 to 50 billion. Optimally therapeutic doses, as mentioned in the above quote, may be quite a bit higher.
  13. *Nano-particle colloidal silver (20-40 ppm): 10 ml initially, then 5 ml ever 3-4 hours until symptoms subside, then taper accordingly (clinical observation -- Wright, JW).1
  14. See also: Role of Vitamin C and other nutrients in management of COVID-19, by Dr. Yuen Ghuen Fong Raymond, MBBS, MMed, MMedSc, FAMS
  15. *"Acute Infection (Short-term Treatment: 3-7 Days)"

Primary References:

1. Nutritional Therapy in Medical Practice, Protocols and Supporting Information, 2007 Edition, by Alan Rd. Gaby, MD and Jonathan V. Wright, MD, ND (Hon). Each of these physicians have been practicing in the field of nutrition-based medicine (and conducting teaching seminars world-wide teaching other MDs and health professionals) for 45+ years. Dr. Wright skipped 2.5 years of high school, before attending Harvard for his undergraduate studies, then another school for his graduate studies. He has had his own lab, Meridian Valley Lab, on-site at his medical clinic, The Tahoma Clinic, for the last 40+ years. Dr. Wright, Dr. Gaby, and a team of researchers reviewed all of the major medical journals for the last 100 years, and Dr. Gaby summarized the research in his life's work book, Nutritional Medicine, which cites 16,800 studies. The above referenced information is therefore extensively backed by supporting research studies and over 80 years of combined real-world medical practice and real-world testing, with lab tests to provide additional direct, real-time feedback into what is working, and what may work. Dr. Wright's bio, Dr. Gaby's bio.

2. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, and Textbook of Natural Medicine, by Michael Murray, ND and Joseph Pizzorno, ND. Dr. Pizzorno is the founding president of Bastyr University, which is one of the world's top schools and research centers in the fields of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare. He has been a thought leader, educator and innovator in these fields for 45+ years. Previously, he served on presidential committees under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Currently, his company, Salugenecists, provides ongoing development for the World's Healthiest Foods website for the Mateljan Foundation (together with the foundation's Director, George Mateljan, and his staff), a website that effectively summarizes the top research on nutritional components and positive health effects of nutrient-dense foods. And, for much of the last 20 years, he has been developing an artificial intelligence system for health optimization, One example of the system's success: healing seizures (which can have different causes; the example was specific to the individual's cause of seizures, just as other individuals have their own individual causes of their healthcare concerns). Dr. Pizzorno's bio. His co-author for the last 30+ years has been one the top graduates of his school, Michael Murray, ND. Dr. Murray has authored or co-authored 30+ book in the fields of nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare, and he has been a leading product formulator for numerous nutritional supplement companies. He and Dr. Pizzorno are widely considered to be the top experts in the world in the field of nutrition-based medicine from their field of practice, naturopathic medicine. See his recent article, "Does the flu shot increase the risk of Covid-19? (Yes) and Other Interesting Questions". Dr. Murray's bio.

3. and Andrew Saul, PhD, is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, and his personal website, features news and information from world-leaders in the field of Orthomolecular Medicine - which means correct, or right molecule medicine -- a term originally coined by two-time Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Linus Pauling. This field of healthcare focuses on the use of naturally occurring substances, particularly nutrients, in maintaining health and treating disease. Dr. Pauling and, more recently, other pioneering researchers in this field have provided ongoing discovery into the therapeutic properties of vitamins and other nutrients in large doses, which have previously been unrecognized. Much of the current research (as of 4/2/20) is summarized in Role of Vitamin C and other nutrients in management of COVID-19, by Dr. Yuen Ghuen Fong Raymond, MBBS, MMed, MMedSc, FAMS.

4. Thousands of positive case history reports (and many studies in the medical literature) provide substantial evidence on the positive health effects and immune system supporting effects of healing therapies based on diets consisting primarily of raw plant food and vegetable juices, whether or not some animal products are included in the diet. Some of the most well-known health centers in this field are led by experts who are much less "scientific" than the four doctors listed above in items 1 and 2, and the researchers mentioned in item 3. And, they are regularly criticized as being less credentialed and less scientific than "science-based" healthcare. Nevertheless, their safe, non-toxic healing methods regularly show improved markers of immune function and improved levels of health for most healthcare concerns. And, their contributions to the above research summary and the related field of knowledge are also significant and substantial. Leaders in this field include Brian and Anna-Marie Clement of Hippocrates Health Institute, George and Rhonda Malkmus of Hallelujah Acres (research link), Norman Walker (who passed away at 99 years old; author and inventor of Norwalk Juicer), Charlotte Gerson of The Gerson Institute (who recently passed away at 96 years old) and Jay "the Juiceman" Kordich (who recently passed away at 93 years old), and his wife Linda, and Arnold Kaufman, of Arnold's Way (unscientific for sure2 + results for sure too2).

The above information on immune system support should be made available to patients worldwide who are interested in pursuing nutrition-based medicine and bio-compatible healthcare interventions. And, the books cited above, along with others on this top health book list, should be posted in full on top U.S. government health websites as National Treasures (or a similar designation) for the world to see -- safe, effective, cost-effective healthcare innovations. See 85+ Years of Supporting Research and Safety, below. Innovative healthcare research is often 20 to 40+ years (or more, see video at the top of this page) ahead of widespread access and implementation. Posting the above research and books online on top U.S. government health websites would likely "flatten the curve" for the coronavirus and -- more importantly -- healthcare innovation, implementation, and improved treatment outcomes for most/all healthcare concerns, not just one.

See Health Reference Books and Nutrition Books for additional references for the above information.

4. A Different Healthcare Paradigm

Seeking safe, effective, cost-effective, biocompatible cures for illness and health optimization. Does the flu shot increase the risk of Covid-19? (Yes) and Other Interesting Questions2, 3

4.1: Foundations of Health

  1. Health Quotes
    1. Immune System Support for Preventing and Healing Illness vs. Germ's Theory's Passive Victim Paradigm
    2. Pasteur vs. Bechamp -- An Alternative View of Infectious Disease. "The pathogen is nothing, the terrain (the body's internal environment, overall level of health, and overall level of immune system function) is everything."
  2. Fundamentals of Natural Medicine
  3. Orthomolecular Medicine and Other Biocompatible Healthcare Fields
  4. Fresh (Nature) Air
  5. Water
  6. Sunlight
  7. Sleep
  8. Exercise
  9. Nutrition
  10. Brain Power
  11. Health Books
  12. Spiritual Health

4.2: Bio-compatible Healthcare Systems and Interventions

  1. Orthomolecular Medicine
  2. Naturopathic Medicine
  3. Functional Medicine
  4. Lab Tests: Nutritional Analysis, Biomarkers for Health, Hormones, Food Allergies, Blood Viscosity, Blood Sugar, Chemosensitivity Testing and Other Tests
  5. Vision Improvement Therapy (Behavioral Optometry)
  6. Natural Dental Care (Biological Dentistry)
  7. Nutrient IVs to Support Health and Healing
    1. 1994: Treatment of Infectious Disease with Massive Doses of Vitamin C, by Robert Cathcart III, MD
    2. Meyer's Cocktail - Nutrient IV, by Alan Gaby, MD. Used to help many healthcare concerns, especially when digestion may not be optimal.
  8. Supporting the Body's Detoxification Systems
  9. Chelation Therapy. Removal of toxic substances from the body through safe nutritional protocols and/or safe IV therapy.
  10. Individualized Health Optimization
  11. Nutrient-Dense Food List, Minimizing Nutrient Losses Due to Cooking (2), Raw Foods Books, Juicing Books

4.3: Implementing the knowledge obtained from 70,000+ studies on nutrition-based medicine and natural healthcare from the major medical journals from the last 100 years

  1. Books summarizing 70,000+ studies on the safe, effective use of nutrition-based medicine, natural healthcare, alternative medicine and integrative medicine for over 500 healthcare concerns.
  2. Artificial intelligence health optimization database system for quickly implementing this research and highly individualized health optimization.

4.4: Curing Illness vs. Symptom Management

  1. 1st example: Seizures can have many causes. In the following case, for an individual's specific case of seizures, the cause of the condition was discovered and addressed, and seizures were truly cured.
  2. 2nd example: Improved cancer treatment results with integrative medicine (the best of mainstream and alternative medicine). Using drugs together with the above biocompatible procedures and related procedures to promote greatly improved treatment results healing cancer (2).

5. 85+ Years of Supporting Medical Research and Safety

  1. The above video and links provide 85+ years (millennia, actually) of research in support of the use of safe, inexpensive, essentially harmless, biocompatible substances (vitamins, minerals and other substances naturally occurring in food and human biochemistry) for improving health.
  2. No Deaths from Vitamins. None. Supplement Safety Confirmed by America's Largest Database
  3. Safety of Nutritional Supplements

The above content is an introduction to nutrition-based medicine for immune support during viral healthcare concerns. I'm currently focusing on other research topics, some of which will then be linked to from this page, and additional references for the above information will then be added to this page. Item #'s 4 and 4.1 on this book list provide outstanding information and hundreds of supporting studies on well-tested, well-proven, safe, cost-effective, effective, biocompatible nutrition-based medicine for immune support during viral infections and other immune related healthcare concerns.

6. Additional Information

  1. E-news Signup:'s 1600 Daily -- Daily News Updates, Direct from the Whitehouse
  2. Worldwide Coronavirus Cases, Recovered and Deaths
  3. CDC Coronavirus Info Page
  4. WHO Coronavirus Info Page